” right, it is the other winner of these municipal. “Under-estimated by most commentators at the evening of the second round of the June 28, the score of the Republicans has caught the eye of the political scientist Brice Dyer, deputy ceo of Ipsos. Of course, these results have been hidden to the right because of a second round worse than the first, particularly marked by the loss of strongholds such as Bordeaux or even the shock of Marseilles. In the second city of France, the ecologist Michele Rubirola seems to be in a good position to settle in the armchair of the mayor – the election is held by sector, all scenarios, even the most crazy, are still possible.

Bordeaux, Marseille, two citadels held by the right for decades around the great barons : Jean-Claude Gaudin, had delighted the phocaean city to the left 25 years ago, and Alain Juppé was installed in the chair occupied by Jacques Chaban-Delmas for nearly 48 years (1947-1995) until his departure, a year ago, to the constitutional Council. Two defeats oh so symbolic. The end of an era.

But these two failures do not mask the elections to favour a party that followed the slaps election to the presidential, the parliamentary, the european. Its leaders, like the new boss, Christian Jacob, it is perceived as a victory. “If the party of the right has had a very good tower, the second tower is more contrasting, analysis Brice Dyer. LR does not contribute to its good results in march. In spite of everything, in the end, the right-wing party remains the political force the most important at the local level. All the more that in 2014, he had accumulated a lot of gains in the cities, one could thus expect a reflux… ”

Read also the results of The municipal 10 questions

261 cities of over 20,000 inhabitants on 454

According to the statements of the haughty observer of this political family is Laurent de Boissieu, journalist at The Cross, and founder of several web sites of reference on the life policy, in the aggregate, the right loses 57 cities of more than 30,000 inhabitants, and won, 11, is a negative balance of 46 mayors. Of course. But, first, in favor of the blue wave of 2014, the aediles were many. Some have left along the way, we found as much among the 72 signatories of the platform of support at Macron, and Philippe initiated by the Angevin Christophe Béchu a year ago. And, when one dissects the results of the municipal, there is still plenty…

At the end of the second round, the LR loses cities as Besançon, Périgueux, Moissac, Chambéry… But the right hard Lorient – the stronghold of Jean-Yves Le Drian –, Forcalquier – that of Christophe Castaner – or Orleans – including the mayor was close to Emmanuel Macron. François Grosdidier went on to conquer Metz, Maïder Arosteguy, Biarritz and David Galtier, the 7th sector of Marseille (150 000 inhabitants) in RN Stéphane Ravier… Gaël Perdriau is re-elected head of the metropolis of Saint-Etienne, Emile-Roger Lombertie in Limoges, Maryse Joissains in Aix-en-Provence, Frédéric Valletoux, Fontainebleau… In total, the 454 cities of over 20,000 inhabitants, LR and its allies have 261 left – 49, centre, 21, Greens 12, the RN 6… And the right is proud to preside over the destinies of 57 % of cities of more than 9,000 inhabitants. In short, LR is the first party of France in terms of number of mayors and municipal councillors. “After the presidential election of 2017, note the number two in the party, Guillaume Peltier, the political map seemed to be very clear : Emmanuel Macron, the major cities, Marine Le Pen, the provinces. Today, the menu remains simple but different : environmentalists percent in large cities, but LR to reign over the provinces, the medium-sized cities. We are the great party of the silent majority. “


In detail, the zooms are sometimes scrambled. If they remain encartés LR by loyalty to their party, the of Nice Christian Estrosi and the Toulouse Jean-Luc Moudenc have obtained the support, on their behalf, and their local roots, of LREM. Attention, however, the mix of genres, prevents the Stéphanois Gaël Perdriau : “All those who have past alliances have paid a high price in the polls, and are no longer there to talk about it, as in Bordeaux or Strasbourg in particular. In Lyon, it has not managed to conquer the city and the metropolis, because it was bargained for to keep places… The voters want clarity. “Perdriau was measured during this campaign. “Since 1983, each time that the Front national has presented in Saint-Étienne, he was in the second round, said the municipal official. Except this year. Because I have taken clear positions against the FN, unlike some in my party. And the voters are not mistaken. It is important to be able to defend our values, and not to run after the other. “

Gaël Perdriau is one of these mayors often young but experienced and stowed on their beliefs, many of which have been elected in the first round, like David Lisnard, Cannes (88 % of the vote), Gil Averous in Châteauroux, Natacha Bouchart to Calais, the er physician Philippe Juvin to La Garenne-Colombe, etc, others are less known, such Maïder Arosteguy, new mayor of Biarritz, or Frédéric Valletoux, a good manna to form, the day came, the “shadow cabinet” of LR. The army of the shadows of François Baroin, re-elected with nearly 67 percent of the votes in the first round in Troyes, president of the Association of mayors of France, if he decides to run in the next presidential ? “Before we talk about casting, working on a real project, says Gaël Perdriau, one of the vice-presidents of the party, who, a year ago in a forum at the Point, urged his family to reconnect with the “gaullism” in social. For the moment, we have not. “