US researchers have published two more detailed studies on a syndrome that occurs in connection with Coronavirus infections in children and adolescents. On Monday in the journal “New England Journal of Medicine” published studies shed light on the so-called pediatric inflammatory multi-system syndrome, abbreviated to MIS-C.

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300 medical records analyzed

The scientists analyzed the medical records of almost 300 children and young people under the age of 21 years who were treated between March and may in the United States. In all of the of infection with the novel Coronavirus had been found, or the urgent suspicion of such infection existed.

the UK had warned at the end of April in front of the syndrome in children in connection with Sars-CoV-2, in may, the US health authority CDC warning on. Worldwide, around 1000 cases of the syndrome have been registered, such as Michael Levin from Imperial College London wrote in a comment to the US studies. The European centre for disease prevention and control reported by 15. May 230 cases in Europe. A child in France and the UK, died at the syndrome.

syndrome occurs only weeks after Sars-CoV-2 infection and is very rarely

The recently published US studies show that the syndrome occurs a few weeks after a Corona-infection. In the study on the national level passed, usually 25 days, in the New York study, the cases occurred one month after the peak of the pandemic in the US metropolis.

As a further result of their studies, the scientists pointed out that MIS-C occurs only very rarely: Two out of 100,000 people under the age of 21 suffered accordingly of it. As in Europe, has been observed to suffer black children, and children with Hispanic or Indian roots more frequently than white children in the syndrome.

is symptoms of MIS-C-syndrome

The most common Symptom are respiratory symptoms like Covid-19: Rather, more than 80 percent of the patients suffered from gastro-intestinal complaints such as abdominal pain, Nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. Many of those Affected also had the rash, in particular the skin of children from four or five years.

All the victims were according to studies, fever, often more than four or five days. In 80 percent of the Affected heart-circulation problems occurred, eight to nine percent of the children developed an aneurysm of the heart arteries, a potentially dangerous enlargement of the arteries.

In 80 percent of the cases studied, a treatment was carried out on the intensive care unit, 20 percent of the patients were ventilated. The death rate was two percent.

MIS-C is similar to the Kawasaki syndrome

With the first cases of the syndrome doctors on Similarities with the Kawasaki had pointed out-syndrome, especially in infants and small children inflammatory reactions in blood vessels, and sometimes heart problems. The new U.S. studies confirm that there are similarities between MIS-C, and Kawasaki. However, the C suffer from MIS-rule, older children, and the inflammatory reaction more intense.

Still not conclusively the cause of the MIS is discussed C. It is suspected that it is an Overreaction of the immune system it hides. A more detailed exploration of the causes could possibly also help in the development of a vaccine against the novel Coronavirus, and in the treatment of inflammation reactions in adults Covid-19 patients, the infections Loge Levin in his commentary to the US studies.

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