Appointed minister of the Interior on October 16, 2018, Christophe Castaner had in his sleeve a lot of assets to please ! He enjoyed the full confidence of the president of the Republic and the Prime minister, a dual protection is rare under the Fifth republic as the relationships between Place Beauvau and the hotel Matignon tend to get soft over a period of months. From left modern, liberal, and attached to the order, this native of Ollioules in the Var follows a Gérard Collomb older that 16 months had not had time to make its mark in a key department. The first few days, praise his knowledge of ministerial cabinets (he has worked with Catherine Trautmann Culture in 1997, with Michel Sapin in the Public Service and the Reform of the State in the early 2000s), its proximity to the elected field (16 years mayor of Forcalquier), his good-naturedness unfeigned and its dynamism.

Read also Begle – Christophe Castaner, the first “flip” of France

Las, in a few months, the colors turn dull. The difficulties of the forces of order to contain the movements of the yellow Vests ; its presence on a Saturday night particularly agitated in a nightclub ; his goofing off in rehearsal (when he blamed the yellow Vests of “follow the instructions of Marine Le Pen” or when in the national Assembly, he said in June 2019 that ” the phenomenon of radicalization within our public services, is extremely circumscribed “) ; the hearing of calamitous before the commission of inquiry on the case of Benalla ; his dramatization of an attack of the Salpêtrière by Yellow Vests that the images will contradict a few hours later ; the heavy toll of protesters injured by grenade explosions…

Too much is too much

An additional step is taken on 3 October 2019, when after the attack of the prefecture of police of Paris, the minister of the Interior said that the killer, who worked at the prefecture of police, had “never presented of behavioral difficulty” or ” the slightest sign of alert “. He will be denied the next day. Follow allusions to the private life of Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, the incomprehensible sentence on the “suspicion proven act or racist remarks, soon to be supplanted by the unforgettable-and barely believable” I believe that the emotion world, which is a healthy emotion on this subject, exceeds the merits of the legal rules that apply “.

the Last station of this interminable way of the cross, Sunday, June 28, his fief of Forcalquier in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, acquired to the left since 2001, fell in the pot for Republicans. Too, it is too much. Despite his loyalty never wavered, Christophe Castaner was no longer the man of the situation. He needed to find a drop-off point. This will not be the government, it was replaced by Gérald Darmanin, but may be in the national Assembly, when once again an mp in the course of the summer, it may take in hand the parliamentary group LREM disappointed by the gaps and the weaknesses of Gilles, The Son-in-law of its current president and torn between different currents (right/left ; macronistes of the first hour/allies later ; elected officials of cities that have fallen into the pot of Green/mps ” rural “…) At the age of 54 this militant socialist, former head of the list of the left in regional elections in 2015, has not finished with the policy.

writing will advise you

Begle – Castaner, to be the victim of his emotions…