The announcement was expected Monday. It is finally at the very end of the day that the government of Prime minister Jean Castex, has been announced by the Elysée. There are more than 30 ministers and deputy ministers, including eight incoming. The secretary general of the Elysee Alexis Kohler has taken its place as a tradition on the front porch to announce shortly after 19 hours the composition of the government that has to implement the presidential strategy of the end of the quinquennium. It has 16 ministers and 14 deputy ministers. The first announced in the order of protocol is Jean-Yves Le Drian renewed in his functions of minister of European and foreign Affairs.

Nine other ministers retain little or no understanding of their portfolio, sometimes with adjustments. It is Jean-Michel Blanquer (national Education, youth and sports), Bruno Le Maire (Economics, finance and recovery), Florence Parly (Armed), Jacqueline Gourault (territorial Cohesion), Olivier Véran (Solidarity and health), Marc Fesneau (Relations with Parliament), Jean-Baptiste Djebbari (Transport) Frédérique Vidal (higher Education) and Roxana Maracineanu (Sports).

Eight new ministers or deputy ministers enter the government. Among them, the mp LREM of the Somme, Barbara Pompili, 45, became minister of the ecological Transition. The former mp EELV had been secretary of State under François Hollande. The lawyer media Eric Dupond-Moretti succeeds Nicole Belloubet to Justice, while Roselyne Bachelot is named Culture. Adds Elizabeth Moreno to the Equality of women and men, Alain Griset to SMES, Brigitte Klinkert on Insertion, as well as the member LREM Nadia Hai to the City, and his colleague Brigitte Bourguignon to the Autonomy that complement the government team. A Bercy, Bruno Le Maire, will be assisted by three deputy ministers: Olivier Dussopt, in charge of public Accounts, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, in charge of the Industry, and Alain Griset.

Read also The last hours of Edward Philippe Matignon

Gérald Darmanin appointed on the Inside

Some people change assignments, like Gérald Darmanin, appointed minister of the Interior after having been in charge of the Action and of the public accounts. It is a “great honor to the grandson of the immigrant that I am,” he responded on Twitter, thanking his predecessor Christophe Castaner for his “bold action and determined to the service of the protection of our fellow citizens. In the other ministers changing portfolio are Elizabeth Terminal, named minister of Labour, Sébastien Lecornu (overseas), Annick Girardin (Sea) or Franck Riester (foreign Trade).

The first Council of ministers in the new government will take place on Tuesday at 15 hours, indicated the Elysee. The parity is respected for the ministers with 8 men and 8 women, while the government has 5 ministers delegates man is 9 women. Counting Jean Castex, and the secretary of State Gabriel Attal, appointed spokesperson, the government counts a total of 15 men and 17 women. Among the first reactions Jean-Luc Mélenchon has tancé on Twitter “a liberal government banal”, while Christian Jacob (LR) was seen as “essentially a game of musical chairs”. “All that for this!” he stated to the Agency France-Presse.