The accident in the Damaschkeweg was on Sunday, 05. July, against 17.45. The articulated bus was driving from the Damaschkeweg in the Friederich-Ebert-Straße. Because of a parked Car, the driver drew back a little, so that his Bus was centred on the road. The oncoming Car underestimated, apparently, the remaining width, so that both vehicles touched when passing. The motorist drove on. On the Bus, a loss of at least 300 euros. Whether and to what extent the Car damage was not known. Anyone who has observed the Situation? Who can provide information on the participating Cars? Instructions please on the accident flight, investigators of the police of Marburg, Germany, Tel. 06421/406-0.

Fronhausen – hit-and-run at the Station roundabout

Apparently, in the early hours of Sunday, 05. July, between the hours of midnight and 08 was due to an unknown accident a traffic sign on the roundabout that happen to be damaged in the station road. The damage to the shield “right over” amounts to a minimum of 200 Euro. Any witnesses to the Accident are asked, with the hit-and-run investigators of the police of Marburg, Germany, Tel. To put 06421/406-0 connection.

Marburg – bags – and trick theft the third

Within a short period of time, what’s happened now in the same bags and trick theft. The offender took advantage of each of the favor of the hour and handle. In all cases, the victims were hanged while shopping your bag with its purse in the shopping cart or in the basket placed. “Not with help you to become a victim of these thieves! They offer the perpetrators any opportunity! You make it to the perpetrators is not so easy! No customer has when shopping the basket and everything in it is constantly in view. It is automatically distracted if you are looking for on-the-shelf Goods or, for example, a date of minimum durability, look or because you make someone, and just maintains. No matter how short, this is a distraction – the perpetrator needs only seconds to access and disappear. Often you will notice the theft at the cash register. Until then, plenty of time has passed, and the thief to Disappear, and perhaps even already used, for example engines from captured Bank cards use.” “Take with you only what you absolutely need for the shopping. The money belongs to the Best in sealed bags inside of your clothing. Check cards in a sealed inner bag and the PIN only into memory!”

the last fact on Friday, 03. July, between 12.25 and 12.40 PM was a 49-Year-old in the tegut in the heretic stream the victim of a Pickpocket. The scene was probably near the meat counter. Who has made suspicious observations? Anyone who has seen the handle i the bag? Who can describe the offender? Information, please contact the police Marburg, Tel. 06421/406-0.

Neustadt – property damage

over The past weekend, between 14.30 hours on Friday, and 07: 15 a.m., on Monday, 06. In July, it came to the primary school in the Hindenburg street to property damage, with a damage of several Hundred euros. unknown broke out of a schoolyard stands a concrete slab and threw them against the playing field boundary of a football small field. Both the concrete slab and the plastic limit broke. Relevant information to the police, the city all village, Tel. 06428/9305-0.

Martin Ahlich

This post is provided by: police headquarters Central Hesse – press office Marburg-Biedenkopf/news up to date. An editorial review by FOCUS Online has not taken place.

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