Donald Trump, contrary to beats four months before the presidential election in the USA, always criticism. Now the Republican party have done even, like in the year 2016, colleagues against him and call for the election of the democratic candidate Joe Biden. You want to take advantage of the current weakness in Trumps and to finish his term. For this, donations were collected and already TV commercials broadcast, in which Trump is spotted. Also, the former Republican US President George W. Bush has publicly announced that he will not vote for Trump. The summer sale has begun!

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And, despite the departure of his party colleagues and rising Corona-Numbers Trump the critics more fodder: On Saturday he wants to speak to the airport from Portsmouth in the North-Eastern state of New Hampshire in front of thousands of Americans. This Time, he wants to attract even more people.

just three weeks Ago, Trump had said in a closed stadium in the state of Oklahoma prior to partially empty stands. Now the followers of masks to wear, but a document to sign prior to the event, that they “voluntarily assume all risks”, which could result from a Corona virus infection.

The masks-the recommendation of its Teams is regarded as a small concession to trump’s critics accuse him to need the health of the population for his election campaign purposes.

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Trump presents dangerous theory

But last Friday, when America’s independence was celebrated, ignored Trump the dangers of the Virus as far as possible: In his Talk at Mount Rushmore and the White house only a few supporters wore masks, and adhered to no minimum.

Trump is playing with fire. As more and more of his advisors are sounding the Alarm, the Virus is out of control. In his speech last Friday, in front of the White house, he explained that 99 percent of the Coronavirus cases were “harmless”. Whether he is related with this number on a study or on expert assessments, is not known.

“I’m not going to comment on who is right and who is wrong,” said Trumps health expert Stephen Hahn, and a member of the Corona Task Force, when he was asked on Sunday, repeated by journalists, whence the assertion Trumps the tribe. Only after further Inquiries, Hahn acknowledged that the Task Force present data would have a serious Problem and that the population should take the Virus seriously, as “CNN” reported. Kevin Dietsch/Pool UPI/Reuters Stephen Hahn, Commissioner for food and drugs

Hahn is calling again and again to act on the recommendations of public health authorities and warns that the people “would put their families in danger”, if you would not stick to it.

The refusal of Hahn’s, Trumps talk fatal theory explicitly to resist, underlines the growing confidence gap between the government and the population in the United States. Hahn wants it replaced to avoid, to correct the President in public, and thus run the risk that he loses his Post – as it was in the past often the case, as Trump adversary short-hand.

the Republican Governor goes own way p But only from the health sector comes against the wind, with more and more Republican governors of the view will point to the US President, for example, when it comes to contact restrictions, or the Wearing of masks. Trump makes no secret of the fact that he considered the mouth-nose protection as an annoying buzzkill. In addition, he worked quickly, the economy is again high.

The Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, admitted in a CNN Interview mistakes: “We were not allowed to open the Bars again so soon.” Since the middle of June the cases of Corona infections on the rise in Texas rapidly, with up to 8,000 new infections per day. Abbott had imposed thereupon in the beginning of July, independently, a mask is compulsory in most public places. Evan Vucci/AP/dpa Greg Abbott and Donald Trump in the case of a joint appointment

previously, the Republicans fought for, to protect the population in Texas prior to the spread of the Coronavirus and admonished at the beginning of the pandemic, similar to that in Germany, only to leave in urgent cases, the house. He also ordered at that time, to move operations that are not time-urgent, to the rear to avoid Overloading the hospitals. In addition, Abbott urges Texans to wear masks.

For his efforts, he will be criticized greatly, however, among other things, from Texas, County of Ector, such as “Texas Tribune” reported. The local Republican party colleagues disapprove of his alone and are of the opinion that Abbott had overstepped his authority. This could be in the sense of Trumps.

Ivanka Trump is a flaming appeal to all Americans – your father ignored him, FOCUS Online/Wochit appearance on Mount Rushmore: Ivanka Trump flame is the appeal to all Americans – your father ignored him

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