First of all, Kim’s Victory believed that she lay paralyzed on a bed and am going to burned alive, but at the last second, someone to the rescue came to her. Then suddenly she was in a completely different place – as an ice sculpture at the Buffet of a cruise ship, she attracted the attention of the passengers upon himself. Another Time she was attacked by aggressive cats.

What sounds like a drug Trip, is in truth an experience, had to make the 31-year-old American with as Covid-19-patient in a hospital. And she is not the only one. The “New York Times” spoke with three former Corona-Infected, all under hallucinations, anxiety suffered up to the psychoses, while they were treated on the intensive care unit.

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these cases are increasing in number, have also observed E. Wesley Ely of the University of Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee in the “New York Times”. He and his Team to explore the prevention measures of delirium. The hospital Delirium is the most common complication after surgical interventions; particularly vulnerable are the elderly and people with dementia. It is an acute state of mental confusion, lose their orientation, suffer from Thinking and memory problems, are physically and psychologically aroused, some will be hit by massive delusions home.

lasts the longer The Delirium, the more dangerous

Normally, the symptoms subside after ten to twelve days. The longer the Delirium persists, the more dangerous it is. According to studies, older, but previously healthy individuals may develop early dementia and even die earlier. Persistent forgetfulness and personality changes in a result of delirium also many patients dependent on the help of others. Also, the risk of developing a disease, according to the experience of delirium from Depression or post-traumatic Stress, is not to be underestimated.

In the case of the Corona-Infected, during their suffered ill stop stay in a Delirium, all ages – both young, healthy patients, as well as old, who were already under cognitive impairment. Two-thirds to three-quarters of the patients treated in the ICU, should be affected to report to the hospital and the research on which the New York Times refers to it.

the 69-year-old Ron Temko describes his two-month stay in the hospital as extremely scary. Accordingly, the recovered Corona have suffered Patient under the paranoid delusions and delusions of persecution, that he did not know in the end, whether he would not rather die easy. He and his family have shown during a video chat, a note on the stand that she would kill him.

57-Year-old appeared in “the devil”

Similar reports, the 57-year-old Anatolio José Rios – he thought, on the hospital corridor, the armed people threatened him lurking. His attending physician, he asked if his door shot was safe. In another hallucination, he had also seen the devil: “I asked him if he could give me another Chance and he replied: Yes, but you know the price,” said Rios of the New York Times. “Today, I know, what was the price” – in may, Rios’ father Covid-19 died.

For the development of delirium in Corona intensive-care patients are likely to be due to the following reasons especially favorable: for a Long time at the ventilation strong sedative, poor sleep device. In addition, the patient must not move great, in order to detach accidentally your hoses. And social interaction is reduced to an absolute minimum, visits of families or friends are prohibited, the social interaction can alleviate with familiar people, the feeling of disorientation in many patients.

“This is like the perfect recipe for a Delirium,” says Sharon Inouye, has launched the “Hospital Elder Life Program” life, it can help to lower the risk for delirium in elderly patients. More to the Coronavirus

delusions, regardless of sedatives occurred

anxiety and delusions but also in the case of Corona patient occurred, which is neither strong sedative to get for a very long time on the ventilator were connected. Therefore, experts believe that the Virus itself or the reaction of the body that have neurological effects, and “people in a state of delirium” can move, says Sajan Patel, assistant Professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

in addition to the lungs, the Virus could be harmful and therefore also the brain and other organs. A kidney or liver failure and lead, that the Patient must take medications that can trigger a Delirium. Some patients develop small blood clots that cause a stroke, but blood circulation problems that could lead to cognitive problems and delirium, adds Inouye.

the study, from Liverpool: shock, seizures, personality changes and psychosis

similar findings, researchers from the University of Liverpool report that they studied 125 patients with severe disease – in addition to complications such as stroke, altered States of mind and confusion occurred in 23 patients during their hospital stay. In the case of the Affected psychiatric disorders such as psychosis, dementia-like syndromes and cognitive disorders were diagnosed. Here, too, age plays no decisive role as well, younger patients suffering from the symptoms.

And the beginning of June, published, French researchers their observations in the journal “New England Journal of Medicine”: Of the 58 studied Covid-19-patients in intensive care units suffered 84 percent of neurological symptoms. At the time of discharge from the hospital, the patient’s signs of confusion and disorientation occurred in one-third.

Norwegian researchers describe “Covid-19-Brain”

In Norway, researchers speak, however, of a so-called “Covid-19-Brain” – so “Covid-19-brain”. For example, the lung specialist Marianne Aanerud of patients who had to be urgently beamtet reported, however, denied that there is a severe lack of oxygen. “A Patient should be ventilated, said he had first seen his TV show to the end. Patients who are ventilated, are very sick and usually very frightened,” reported Aanerud.

the Others knew at once, like your Smartphone can use. Also, you stated that all patients are equally affected what is the age of it. “You have a clear memory loss. When we speak with them about it, they are very surprised. Most of them are. but you yourself,“ said Aanerud.

The Problem for the experts is, that you cannot attribute such phenomena with complete certainty on the Coronavirus. So it is difficult to determine which phenomena, for example, on the treatment on the ventilator or on drugs are due and which are a direct result of the infection. More to the Coronavirus

Some patients suffer long-term damage to the

in Spite of all, the researcher Til Wyke from King’s College in London believes that psychological problems may be an indirect effect of the Virus. “We thought that this would Express mainly in an increase of anxiety and depression. But there is the possibility that a small number of people suffer after a hospital stay with severe Covid-19-course of psychosis is clear,” said the expert of the “Guardian”.

it is Clear at least that some patients go without a result of damage to the home. The 33-year-old Kim Victory suffers since then, depression and sleep disorders – you must take anti-depressants and regular visits to a psychologist to process their experiences.

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