Idea. How to help the youth ? The issue has been of particular interest when the consequences of the crisis are weighing disproportionately on young people. The outgoing of the studies are entering a job market which is closed and with a public debt swollen. Experts and leaders are turning ideas boxes and are often the same recipes : lowering of the legal age to benefit from the RSA (from 25 years to 18 years), premiums-gifts to go to the restaurant, deletion of the entirety of the social charges on early hires, reconciliations of the corporate world to the academic sphere. There are to think and act.

An original orientation is to switch to a system of redistribution to a system of so-called pre-release. In view of this, a bit like a retirement reversed, with a share capital, every young person would be granted at the beginning of his adult life, a sum he would spend the better. The option of these capital grants is financed by an increase in the taxation on estates. Another original orientation is not to pay an endowment, but to grant a loan. To the difference of the paid-up capital for no consideration, the loan is called a refund. This is not a small nuance. How to generalize the possibility of these loans ? In the ensuring by the State.

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directions for use . In response to the crisis following the great confinement, the State was involved in every aspect of life. Reports of contributions here, grants there, or partial unemployment as you want, and here it is. The president of the Republic spoke of 500 billion euros of commitments. A very substantial part of this colossal figure makes not of immediate expenditure, but loan guarantees. Without failures of borrowers, the final cost is low. Rather than giving these guarantees to the companies, why not do it for individuals, for young people in particular ?

That’s the idea. All young, from 18 to 25 years, regardless of his situation, his education, his social background, could claim a significant loan. Let’s say up to 50 000 euros. He could not begin to repay until after the achievement of a certain level of income. These are called ” loan quotas “. In the event of a default, it is the guarantee of the State that would play. One could even imagine an extra effort with loans at zero interest rate. The cost would be high, but the challenge is perhaps the coup. Such an operation, to calibrate precisely, is certainly a powerful investment in the youth. Technically, the network of banks would certainly be keen to offer a product that’s as attractive and without risk to a client often new. The State, in this case, is not pierced basket or nanny. It is the guarantor. A beautiful role.

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