The blast effect is wanted it has done its work. After the announcement of the new government, there was the new keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti. The arrival of the obnoxious lawyer is a surprise, it is also a risky choice to Emmanuel Macron.

Risky, but spectacular. It allows you to hide the other brand of this redesign, which could be summed up in a formula once made famous by Georges Pompidou during his presidential campaign in 1969 : the change in continuity. Pretty much, in fact, we take the same and we start again. Le Drian : leads back to the same…

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The below of the operation Castex at Matignon Government Castex : Gérald Darmanin, a sarkozyste Inside Coignard – Hidalgo, the mayor who believes he is bigger than the government Coignard – Roselyne Bachelot : and here comes the ” tata flingueuse “