At the Meeting, had not been able to convince the top management of the group, the activists of “that you fall short to do so,” said Jessica Gonzalez of the group Free Press (Free press), one of the member organizations of the campaign. The Boycott should be extended and announced. Rashad Robinson of the group Color of Change (color change) called the Meeting “a disappointment”.

Facebook-ad-boycott: Also from VW, Adidas, Puma and SAP

The call for a boycott of the activists was followed by numerous companies around the globe. You waive the Switching of advertisements in the online networks of Facebook. Among the participants of the boycott are also large German companies such as car maker VW, the sports article manufacturer Adidas and Puma, as well as the software group SAP.

pressure on Facebook is growing

Against the Backdrop of the global Anti-racism protests, the pressure on the other Online is the least of platforms has grown, more discriminatory and extremist content. Facebook exiles recently, a network of right-wing extremist groups from its pages.

the group is Also said to want a problematic content of politicians in the future, mark. On Tuesday, the number two of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg introduced further measures against the discriminatory content in the view.

More News to Facebook, WhatsApp & co.:

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  • WhatsApp: Facebook continues to work on connecting with Facebook Messenger

for quite some time Facebook is seeking a data exchange between WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger. It comes after the highly controversial plans of Facebook, will be bundled all of the services soon in a Central App. Now, new Details have surfaced.

  • WhatsApp gets numerous new features, – new dark mode available

In the coming weeks, WhatsApp allowed users to some new features in the Messenger to look forward to. The good news: A new Feature that affects WhatsApp Web is already rolled out.

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