In the case of German citizens is increasing interest in Finance of vacation rentals in Germany. This is especially true for the North sea and the Baltic sea. But also objects in Austria, find interested parties, such as Interhyp AG, an intermediary for building Finance, currently recognizes.

“The Lockdown and the limited travel opportunities seem to have led to the fact that vacation properties are in the domestic more,” says Mirjam Mohr, Head of the Department for the private client business of Interhyp AG.

High equity is necessary

In the financing of property for vacations and holidays apply from their point of view, however, other conditions as in the case of conventional real estate loans. “From capital to current debt service of the loan for an apartment with a view to the possible vacancy periods and operating costs should be calculated and cautious,” explains the Executive.

in order for the financing of their own holiday work home, should interested parties note several peculiarities. For this purpose, the Interhyp heard from the point of view of sufficient equity. The financing professionals recommend as a guideline, an equity investment of approximately 40 percent of the purchase price and the purchase cost , which can account for some six to 16 per cent. These ancillary costs such notary public include taxes, fees and land acquisition.

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Also, buyers be aware of additional costs for furniture, equipment schedule should.

landlords must with temporary vacancy expected

the apartment outside of the self-use of empty, it is rented often.

buyers of apartments should not include expected rental income, however, in its financing calculation. Interested parties should be able to make the monthly loan rates brace of interest and principal solely to the normal income.

As always, in the financing cases, the urgent advice is: borrowers with financing for various credit to obtain needed services.

One reason for this multi-pronged approach: National German money houses without reference to the location may be hard to do often, the letting estimate. The credit institutions successful mostly better. Therefore, financing of apartments according to the experience of Interhyp is often the case with the local banks.

The private home for the Finca

borrow, in Principle, the following applies: The financing of a holiday property in Germany is easier than in the case of an object in a foreign country.

Because who needs foreign capital for a domicile outside the country’s borders, must meet the requirements of financial institutions with headquarters in Germany. So they usually require a hyptheken free property in Germany, which can be secured.

interested parties can, Alternatively, a foreign credit institution contacts. This requires the usual conditions. Real estate Atlas 2020

In this PDF guide you will find everything that is Important to the topics of rent, the purchase price for condos and houses in 100 cities.

PDF guide

Current cost schedule

For owner-occupiers of an apartment, your rent-free Housing is not to be equated with completely cost-free stays. So often, maintenance costs and property tax incurred. In addition, further costs would be in the case of a rental to the owner – for example, for cleaning and administration. to be able to

your new holiday property to enjoy, buyers should calculate also here sufficient.


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