just last year, it took the Federal criminal police office for the first Time by EncroChat coded messages of a major drug ring, the Calabrian `Ndrangheta restore. A milestone in the fight against Organized crime.

torture chambers, kidnapping, commands, Murder for hire, drug trafficking in a big way – the Plot, the French, Dutch and British prosecutors alleged on their biggest blow against Organized crime. The breakthrough came after the investigators, in which they were encrypted communication by crypto mobile phones via EncroChat crack.

746 Suspects in England alone,

arrested, Not only German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on the phone about shielded special mobile phones, but also terrorists, or gangsters, such as the now-imprisoned Dutchman Robin van O., held in a remote warehouse of six containers, so that his gang of prisoners made with a tool of torture into submission to blackmail you.

Alone in England were arrested 746 Suspects. The equivalent of 60 million euros seized two tons of drugs, 77 firearms, 55 luxury cars, 73, Nobel watches. 10.000 English users had EncroChat the Kryponachrichtendienst “is almost exclusively used for criminal purposes”, stated the investigators.

“crypto phones” to protect the communication by encryption. The devices seem like normal mobile phones. The screened-in Smartphones are usually limited only to the kryptierten messages and images, exchange. The communication is only between identically-equipped mobile phones are often of the brand BlackBerry. The average costs amount to 1500 Euro for a half-year subscription in addition to encryption software.

scenes like from a movie: Here are the police storm a torture chamber of the under world FOCUS Online/Wochit scenes like from a movie: Here are the police storm a torture chamber of the underworld

IT analyst decrypted supposedly uncrackable mail

in Particular, in the Netherlands, prosecutors proceed against the provider of such security packages. In 2016, the police arrested the head of the company Ennetcom. To its customers, contract killer, drug dealer and other Criminals have heard. The company denied the allegations. Nevertheless, the Netherlands Forensic Institute by means of a special search engine for unencrypted meta data from Blackberry to analyze messages. By the end of 2016, the Dutch police was able to identify more than 1000 users of Ennetcom-Blackberry-Smartphones. Also managed the IT to decrypt analysts, the supposedly unbreakable, encoded PGP-Mails.

In 2017, the Dutch authorities took the company PGP Sure to also have the Organised crime supplying it.

one of the market leaders EnchroChat. The creators offered a complete lease package. Crypto-Smartphone in addition to encryption software, the news went on a secret Server in a foreign country.

EnchroChat warned on 13. June its customers

pulled Of a great Coup now French and Dutch IT experts from the police, who were able to decode the closed EncroChat network. The great Spähangriff was worth. The investigators read like a million messages on the crypto-phones, before they were coded. Henceforth, a wave of arrests of delivery across Western Europe. Meanwhile, 1000 Accused with a sitting well, many of them mixing in the large OK-business.

The provider EnchroChat, canvassed with his secure messages because, warned on 13. June its customers. “Our Domain has been illegally taken over by government units,” wrote the provider. “We recommend that your device is turn off and eliminate them physically.” imago images/MiS

safety authorities usually remain outside

in this country lecturing the world increasingly over-coded mobile phones, when it comes to illegal transactions. The security authorities remain mostly outside. So the Stuttgart prosecutors clashed in their Investigation against a gang, which attract 45 million euros from the Drug in a complex gold trading in Dubai washed, to their limits. The head of the group, from the Swabian town of Schorndorf want to have made in overheard telephone conversations with the Afghan Taliban as transactions, such as with the Turkish secret service.

If it was a particularly delicate issue, moved the Gangster on mobile phones with EnchroChat mechanism. The further course of the conversation remained the customs officers hidden. The other evidence was sufficient to convict sentences of the four defendants at the end of January high adhesion. The case proves, however, once more, as under the world sizes of the isolated channels to the judiciary and the police hang out.

The Italian Mafia only kryptierter mobile phones, to discuss important things. During a RAID in December 2018 against a drug ring, the Calabrian `Ndrangheta, which is said to have moved from its locations in the Rhine and Ruhr for at least a half a ton of cocaine, were seized 108 mobile phones, most with encryption software.

secrecy for the customers is high on the Agenda of the provider

For the first Time, IT forensic experts of the Federal criminal police office (BKA) were able after a year a part of the coded chat conversations back to read. A groundbreaking success. The providers advertise with all the special protection mechanisms that are not crack. Confidentiality for the customers is high on their Agenda.

And so, the Mafia Boss told the investigation, according to a new promising contact in Rotterdam: As a Moroccan, is reported to the Gangster who offered him in addition to cocaine also Crack for 18,000 Euro the Kilo. His Partner cheered, finally the tide was on the drug market. It was the pure madness that he had opened to the Moroccans, answered a mobster via coded the Chat, “then we’ll be rich”.

The unmasked drug ring of the `Ndrangheta in NRW used for years, defensive forms of communication. The crypto mobile phones Mafia members from the languages, as they wore cash transports as a means for construction works, should you get into a police control. dpa/Christoph Reichwein investigators in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium will go up against the Mafia.

photos of large cocaine batch circulated. The recordings suggested buyers that the gang material could deliver in large quantities.

Rarely, the Calabrian drug boss used to be a normal Smartphone. For almost 2000 encrypted messages, which could only read his accomplices with the same Software found on its BlackBerry in addition to encryption technology.

Chat-App-deletes within seconds, messages or encrypted messages

According to the BKA-fields “data reconstruction” as well as “crypto – and Softwarenalyse” took advantage of the Mafiosi, the encryption software SkyECC and EnchroChat. The latter supplier provides multiple encrypted levels. The Chat App deletes, depending on the setting, the message or encrypted “PGP-Mails” within seconds or minutes. The experts speak of the “burn time”. The access to the EnchroChat System can be found on the phone by a hidden key combination.

the Relevant Online-Shops advertise that the devices self-locking, that should determine the System to manipulation by outsiders. Also, the user can enter a kind of Crash-command, so that the phone memory will delete by a call of a helper.

A co-accused Moroccan large dealer of the Mafia ring, described to the investigators in pre-trial detention, how it works in practice. In Dutch shops, he referred to the tap-proof mobile phones. The neighboring state is regarded as an Eldorado for crypto mobile phones. There, he also know a shop owner, the drug dealer, would burn to the capture device “” poison. Friends of his would have to send the contact man, only his E-Mail contact number, then the store could be the owner of the mobile phone “crash”.

experts were able to text fragments by time-consuming procedure to restore the

In a pilot project managed the BKA specialists, the range of protective measures by a specially developed method outmaneuver.

In continuous mode were you provided EncroChat phones turned on. Also, it developed a kind of special treatment in order to avoid that the phone turns off routinely after one day automatically. In a further step, the officials hacked into the Smartphones, the database of encoded messages App.

Although the information tracks to the “Burn-in-Time mechanism” is deleted. However, the IT-forensics text fragments discovered on the database. Through a complex procedure, these were able to be recovered. Also Dutch colleagues discovered on a Server in Costa Rica, the many Chats the mobsters ran.

Meanwhile, the restored call to serve trajectories as a key piece of evidence in the indictment of the Prosecutor’s office in Duisburg against the widespread gang of the most powerful Italian Mafia organization `Ndrangheta. 12 E-Bikes in the Test: Only four are good, with two of the battery went up in flames on FOCUS Online/Wochit 12 E-Bikes in the Test: Only four are good, with two of the battery went up in flames on