Therefore, to take advantage of the competition authority, now the provision and marketing of the publicly-accessible charging stations in a sector inquiry, under the microscope, as they announced on Thursday in Bonn.

“For the decision of consumers to electric mobility switch, the conditions and prices for the Shop in the public space are of Central importance,” said cartel office President Andreas Mundt. The authority intended to identify already in an early market phase, possible structural competitiveness problems. “The market is, of course, still in the making. But we have complaints about the prices and conditions at the charging stations already increased,“ said Mundt.

2030 Load area-wide infrastructure

According to the plans of the Federal government in Germany up to the year 2030, an area-wide E-infrastructure, including, in particular, publicly-accessible charging opportunities. The construction and operation of charging stations is not subject to however, the for power grids applicable to comprehensive regulation. Potential competition problems in this area, but could be with the help of anti-trust law, taken up, – said Mundt.

For ensuring a functioning competition, in addition to the non-discriminatory access to suitable locations for the charging stations, the specific terms and conditions of use of the charging stations is of crucial importance, the authority. The subject of the investigation should, however, also be the different approaches of the cities and municipalities in the provision of appropriate locations and their effects on the competition between the operators of charging stations.

The framework for the development of charging stations on the highways are also to be checked. The results of the sector inquiry, as well as competitive conclusions, the office will inform the completion of the procedure. 12 E-Bikes in the Test: Only four are good, with two of the battery went up in flames on FOCUS Online/Wochit 12 E-Bikes in the Test: Only four are good, with two of the battery went up in flames on

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