With the events around the process of German re-unification in 1989 and 1990, each combines his own personal experiences and memories.

One of the slogans of the peaceful Revolution is likely to be particularly stuck in the memory: “the D-Mark, we remain, come, let’s go to her.” Deutsche Bundesbank, Frank Rumpenhorst Dr. Johannes Beermann, member of the management Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank

call to freedom

The call to the West German currency was a call to freedom. The citizens in East Germany longed to acquire private property, to develop professionally and to travel wherever. In the socialist economic system there was practically no ownership of the means of production. Civil rights of freedom and a means to economic independence remained of the working population refused, therefore, to a large extent. On the contrary, their tasks and responsibilities were clearly defined and closely that the economic was in a better position in this environment is hardly possible. dpa giant crowds to the East Berlin of Deutsche Bank (01.07.1990)

D-Mark to the GDR were times in high demand

The “blue tiles,” a popular cipher for D-Mark to the GDR-times higher in the course. On the one hand certain Western goods were highly sought after, the money were, but only in the regulated inter-shop stores and only against West available. On the other hand, it was quite common, one or other of the particularly scarce article at the loading bar for “good” customers to hold back: Who had D-Mark, could gain easier access to this so-called Bückware. In this way, the D-Mark contributed to a larger, economic freedom of the people in East Germany.

Political process of reunification was irreversible

A key element in the Treaty on the German-German monetary, economic and social Union, the introduction of the D – Mark in the GDR at the 1 was. July 1990. The D-Mark was a very stable currency, which quickly became the anchor of a stable and free democracy. The political process of reunification was irreversible, and a few months after the introduction of the D-Mark with the official accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany on 3. October 1990 completed. dpa, Helmut Kohl, the “Chancellor of unity” (archive photo: 3. October 1990: the first day of The German unity)

to provide The Bundesbank as the German Central Bank was now responsible for all of the citizens with cash. There were still the times of the GDR in the East of the Republic of branch structures, which form today the basis for the cash as the only legal payment medium in Germany, available everywhere.

Closely associated with the D-Mark of the success of the social market economy, because economic freedom thrives best in a System, the Individual in his economic development – whether as entrepreneurs or On – provided – promotes and him at the same time, a backup network in case of failure offers.

However, the System of social market economy is not complete, but open. The overall economic regulatory framework comes more and more with the digital change in contact. Personal data in the digital world a special role.

The policy must ensure therefore that the people, unlike thirty years ago, decide, free, and safe, whom to trust and whether, and for what you want to disclose your private data. The free competition is an important cornerstone of the social market economy, to protect it in the future.

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