This surprise announcement has the effect of a bomb : the vice-president of côte d’ivoire Daniel Kablan Duncan, 77 years old, resigned from his post while the country is in mourning after the death of the Prime minister, Amadou Gon Coulibaly on 8 July. The news has been officially confirmed by Patrick Achi, the secretary general of the presidency.

” The vice-president Daniel Kablan Duncan awarded president of the Republic, his resignation, [ … ] for personal reasons on February 27, [ … ] . After several interviews, the last of which came on 7 July, the new president, Alassane Ouattara, has taken note and conducted on 8 July in the signing of a decree putting an end to the functions of Mr. Kablan Duncan, ” said a statement read by Patrick Achi. “The president of the Republic would like to make a tribute to a great servant of the State, a man of power and commitment “, says the text.

If the rumors of the resignation of Daniel Kablan Duncan circulated for several days, it’s still a surprise.

also Read Ivory Coast : Ouattara chooses Duncan as a vice-president

also Read Côte d’ivoire : the Prime minister, Amadou Gon Coulibaly died

A particular context

Until recently, Daniel Kablan Duncan was considered close to president Ouattara even though he belonged to the democratic Party of Ivory Coast (PDCI), training an old ally of Ouattara passed in the opposition in 2018.

Originating in the centre-east of Côte d’ivoire, Daniel Kablan Duncan has always been a heavy weight of power, occupying successively the positions of minister of foreign Affairs (2011-2012) and then Prime minister with the portfolio of Economy and Finance from 2012 to 2017 before becoming the first vice-president of the history of Côte d’ivoire in January 2017, a position created with the new Constitution of 2016.

Her resignation comes at a time when the Prime minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly died suddenly of a heart attack on July 8, a few days after his return from France after two months of convalescence. The absence of Mr. Kablan Duncan at the airport during the return of the Prime minister had been noticed. The ceremonies of tribute to the First minister which should be laid to rest Friday were expected to begin Tuesday.

The death of Gon Coulibaly, who had been appointed by the president Ouattara is the candidate of his party for the presidential election of October, completely changed the political situation, the party in power to now find another candidate. Many believe that president Ouattara, who had announced in march that he would not seek a third term, could ultimately be a candidate.

former president Henri Konan Bédié, representing the parti démocratique de in this election that promises to be tense.

Read also the Disappearance of Amadou Gon Coulibaly : Ivory Coast between shock and uncertainty

writing will advise you

Disappearance of Amadou Gon Coulibaly : Ivory Coast between shock and uncertainty, Côte d’ivoire, The government Kablan II : the change in continuity, Côte d’ivoire : the presidential coalition, the big winner of the general elections Côte d’ivoire : Ouattara chooses Duncan as vice-president