The World Poverty Clock, so the Weltarmutsuhr, is running in the wrong direction. Actually, to live create per Minute over 60 people to make the leap out of poverty, if the world is to achieve the most important sustainability goal of the United Nations: the end of absolute poverty by 2030, in the people, by Definition, then, if you per day is less than $ 1.25 are available. However, because of the Corona-crisis already trolling has slowed down progress, but Vice versa.

Per Minute increases, the number of people affected by absolute poverty, currently around 102,2 people. The world order controls the community, is not likely to decrease the number of poor people by 2030, is therefore to 0, but only from the current 706 million to 596 million people. That, too, is of the Armutsuhr, which has developed the World Data Lab, based in Vienna.

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“Corona is a completely different League than the financial crisis,”

“The pandemic has already left by now extreme tracks,” says Wolfgang Fengler, one of the co-founder of the Labs, to 1E9. “Unlike 2009, we are currently experiencing – for the first Time in this century – not only regionally, but around the world into severe recession. This is a completely different League than the financial crisis.“ As the long-term effects be, depends on how quickly the world past the crisis. “But one to two years, we have fallen back,” says Fengler. “Nevertheless, the Corona will not change the fact that the mankind better in the future, so how is she better today than in the past.”

Abstract the global data is accessible to make

However, we first take a step back, also because of a drastic day for the thirtieth anniversary: of the 8. July 1990. The German national football team became the third Time champion of the world. And Wolfgang Fengler ended up as a freshly minted high school graduate in South Africa, to begin his Trip across the continent. Backpacking from Cape town to Cairo. Afterwards it was clear to him that he wants to work with small issues, but with the whole world.

as a Result, he now works as an Economist, as chief economist for southern Africa for the world Bank and is co-founder of the World Data Labs. The Start-up has set itself the goal of making the data available about the global population and income development accessible and understandable. Why? “Because we want to, that data will be used not only backward looking, to explain the past,” says Wolfgang Fengler, “but also in real-time and even ahead.”

To this end, the World Data Lab has already developed three Tools, which are based on meaningful linked data from the world Bank, the International monetary Fund, the United Nations and the OECD. In addition to World Poverty Clock Population belongs to , which gives a fascinating insight into the personal and global life expectancy.

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A, the to said 8. July was born in 1990 in Germany, there is, for example, the following Information: “do you Feel young or old? You are the 3.766.231.368 living Person in the world. This means that 49% of the world’s population and 28% of people in Germany are younger than you.“ She learns that they – statistically – to live over 60 years. She was born in Nigeria, remained her only 39.6 years. With just one click, you can figure that out. In China, incidentally, are born on the same day 68.603 people.

the data help us to understand social trends better

About the personalized display to be running at the the World population clock, which makes it possible for the global population growth can experience them live. And not only in terms of the number, but also on the countries in which children come to the world. In the second, this sentence is typed, the world’s population 7.759.651.565 people. And just a girl was born in Malawi.

“the history of The World Data Lab has with the started, I have presented in 2014 at a TED-Talk,“ says Wolfgang Fengler. “The basic idea was to democratize data and bring the demographics of the General public near.” From the success of the project spurred on, began the Lab work on the other Tools, to illustrate, always with the goal abstract data on global relationships – in the past, the present and the future – to make it quickly understandable and thus usable. “Not only for scientists and activists who discuss the issue at conferences, but also for the General public.”

With the data you want to help Wolfgang Fengler and the Team at the World Data Labs is also in the process of societal debates with the facts to feed. Because often widespread views were not supported at all by Numbers – the start and population growth.

“by 2030, will increase the number of people to nearly 700 million to approximately 8.5 billion,” says Fengler. “It will give children. This is because, unlike many people think, are not the children for the population growth to be responsible, but the adults.“ In particular, the number of elderly will rise, he explains. “The people live, fortunately, getting longer and longer and, therefore, there is more. Debates about how the birth can be lower, so relatively little when you want to slow down the population growth .“

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solve zoom in to the level of districts

The third Tool of the World Data Lab is called the Market Per and is in contrast to the other two at commercial users. This, therefore, receive forecasts about the development of the number of inhabitants and the purchasing power of the people – and not just for individual countries but for more and more States, even up to the level of individual districts. “You can get in like in Google Maps and zoom out,” says Wolfgang Fengler.

Again an example, this could be for many companies to be quite relevant: The number of “Old and rich” – so of people over 65 have a daily purchasing power of $ 100 available – is located in the government district of upper Bavaria, currently in 266.150. By 2030 this number will rise to 491.357. A lucrative, growing audience so. Globally, two other segments of the Population, however, is particularly interesting. “The Rich in the USA are in the year 2030 the number one market,” says Fengler. “The market is the lower middle class in India, so people can spend about 30 dollars a day.”

The progress is slowing down

to come to but again to the Whole humanity in ten years. Will it go really better? “Guaranteed,” says Fengler. “Much better. Even if the perception of many people is just different because it’s us 2020 worse than 2019. But the situation is still much better than in 2010 or 2000.“ By 2030, will not only lead to decreased poverty, but also other values – for example, the infant mortality rate or the crime.

This article was written by Wolfgang Kerler Manuel Neuer sings in Croatia-holiday song from extreme right-wing scandal-Band PCP Manuel Neuer sings in Croatia-holiday song from extreme right-wing scandal-Band

*The contribution of “The human race is to go to 2030: What will tell us data about the future,” published by 1E9. Contact with the executives here.