Prime minister Jean Castex, praised Monday, the wage agreements signed in the framework of the Segur of health, which provided $ 8.1 billion euros to the hospital staff, citing a “historic moment” for the ” health system “. “Nobody should doubt that this is a historic moment for our health system,” said Jean Castex at the end of a signing ceremony of the agreements with the unions that have endorsed the memoranda of agreement, organized at Matignon.

These agreements, concluded after seven weeks of negotiation, the benefit of ” all the personal hospital “, ” whatever their class, whatever the institution or the department in which they work “, he added. According to the head of the government, who spoke alongside the minister of Health Olivier Véran, the “agreements Segur” are ” first, a recognition of considerable respect to those who have been in the front line in the fight against this epidemic “.

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” I did not wrong to say that, in this sense, beyond the recognition of their action, it is a form of catch-up compared to years of delay where each and every one, and perhaps myself, have their share of responsibility “, he insisted. The “accords de Ségur” plan a package of $ 7.5 billion for the paramedical personnel (nurses, caregivers) and other non-medical (technicians, administrative…), with a salary increase of 183 euros net monthly income for employees.

other Three components of Ségur of health are expected

Regarding the physicians, a budget of 450 million euros has been put on the table, primarily intended to increase the compensation of ” public service exclusive, paid to practitioners who commit to work only in public hospitals. The agreement on the non-medical staff has been signed by the three majority unions : FO, CFDT and Unsa. The other two representative trade unions (CGT and SUD) have not wished to validate it.

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For doctors, the three majority unions have also given their green light : the INPH, the MHC and the Snam-HP. The other two representative trade unions (APH and Young Doctors) have denounced arbitrations “incomprehensible” and a ” sham negotiations “.

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These wage agreements, in the heart of the discussions since the end of may under the leadership of Nicole Notat, are only part of Ségur of health, which aimed to improve the working conditions of caregivers, and the care of patients. The other three components, which focus on the investment and the financing of hospitals, the governance and the territorial organization of the health care system, will be the subject of announcements “very strong” in the next few days, assured Olivier Véran.