On the way to a more climate friendly production is attributed to green hydrogen is becoming more and more a key role. In the case of many experts, the Conviction reigns that it is without the technology. At the beginning of the year, from the energy-intensive steel industry however, the call for political and financial help to be able to make a contribution to CO2 reduction at all afford it.

On Monday, Federal Minister of research, Anja Karliczek (CDU) visited the steel group Salzgitter in lower Saxony. With it has the members Stefan Kaufmann, a few days ago, an innovation officer of “Green hydrogen” in the Ministry. More important than the title, the message behind it seems. Because the personnel is part of the new national hydrogen strategy for Germany at the green technology world leader wants to be. A shoulder in order to make circuit between industry, science and politics? At least, representatives of all the departments sit together in Salzgitter.

government has decided to provide billions for “green hydrogen”

hydrogen is formed, for example, by the electrolysis of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. For this it needs electrical power.

  • this power exclusively from renewable energies, is referred to the result as a green hydrogen. This is in the centre of the hydrogen strategy, because in industry and transport the use of coal, Oil and natural gas is to be reduced.
  • Gray, hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels such as natural gas. The resulting CO2 is released into the atmosphere and strengthens the greenhouse effect.

Green is the color of hope – also for the conversion of the steel industry. A month ago, the Federal Cabinet adopted the program, which targets billions in subsidies, legal facilitation and concrete production. With funding programs, and seven billion euros is to be achieved, that the hydrogen passes through the market, a further two billion are planned for international partnerships.

  • read also: Gigantic Experiment starts in 2021: 3 North-country-real laboratory for hydrogen

Minister Karliczek Salzgitter

“The key is visited in order to keep the steel industry in Germany is the use of green hydrogen,” said Karliczek with a view to their visit to the steel company Salzgitter. The Minister wants to inform you about a project that the steel manufacturer the CO2-emissions substantially is to reduce.

As part of the climate strategy of the company’s coal is in the production of iron gradually by hydrogen and electricity from renewable sources replaced. At the end of a reduction of CO2 emissions would be around 95 percent. Salzgitter AG 13,35 EUR +0,83 (+6,67%) Xetra

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To the steel production with hydrogen, the group, with partners, is currently a location in Wilhelmshaven. It will aim to produce two million tons of direct reduced iron per year, to be brought by rail to Salzgitter, it was a few days ago.

“Without public start-up financing is attesting to not be”

lower Saxony Minister of science Björn Thümler (CDU) of his country is a “very good starting position for the production of green hydrogen”. Already today, large quantities of produced renewable electricity in there. Thümler refers to “favourable geological conditions,” and an extensive gas grid, this could also be used for the Transport of hydrogen used. The Federal Agency with the new strategy up to 2023 is around 310 million euros for the promotion of research and Innovation in this area. Self-adhesive insulating mirror film

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in January, Salzgitter had CEO Heinz Jörg Fuhrmann emphasizes: “The steel industry is in a position to make a substantial financial contribution to the CO2 reduction of our society, but without a public start-up financing will be not to implement.”

At the annual General meeting of the group a few days ago, Carter assessed the recent actions of the government positive. The stimulus package, and the hydrogen strategy will be suitable to assist in the Decarbonisation of the industry’s rapid progress. The same also applies to the “concept of steel,” said Fuhrmann. The want to adopt the Federal government on Wednesday in the Cabinet.

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