The story of Ana Ferreira, one cleaning power from Bellingham in Washington state, sounds almost too bizarre to be true. Your short SMS-dialogue with a customer caused also shake on Twitter for General head. In the meantime, the post was shared more than 70,000 Times.

In the message is Ferreira asked to provide the next Time for a discount. The blatant reason behind the requirement: you’ve done a good job, but the customer would have seen them bottle have filled your water to your sink. The water bill was already high “particularly because of our new Pools”.

“, Please send me your Paypal info for the refund,”

Instead of how many other Twitter users get upset, responded Ferreira in a professional and quick-witted. She explained that it was in the house very hot and they had to drink something in order not to tip over. She writes further: “But please send me your Venmo or Paypal info for the refund of the 32 ounces of water (a gallon to a cost of two cents).” Where 32 ounces is the equivalent to about a litre, a gallon is approximately four liters.

Ferreira refuses to work again for the customer. It notes, as they would not fit “very well together,” she explains. You finished your message, you wish the client “good luck and health and a nice day”.

“, Your answer was PERFECT,”

On Twitter Ferreira for your beat will be celebrated finished yet polite answer, and the customer is heavily criticized. “Money can’t buy you class,” it says, for example. Or: “I’m glad you were in the Position to be able to work with this customer to reject – that was unfair. And your answer was PERFECT.“

Ana Ferreira commented on now to the incident that was posted by a third Person on Twitter. “I spent years at my company, and my self-esteem worked. I’ve learned that self-employment is exactly that for me: to be My own boss and to choose, for whom I clean.“ It is important to be happy with what you are doing.

And the customer has responded to your message? “Nothing,” writes Ferreira, “only dead silence”. From the barn to the slaughter: meat processing, pig breeding is also different in FOCUS From the active stables to the slaughter: butcher’s shop, shows, pig breeding can be done differently and a New Tunnel on the Baltic sea holiday could make shows plans of many German broken FOCUS Online New Tunnel on the Baltic sea could make vacation plans of many German broken

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