For the hairdresser, it was cut probably a hair like any other, but for their client and the man he meant so much more. The marked the man now reports in an emotional letter, like the “Mirror”.

One of the “best of the last moments”

His wife, who suffered from dementia, had passed away in March, but to him, it would have been important, the stylist Sara to tell his gratitude, he writes. You have treated his wife, as she would have been “her whole life” to patients with dementia and make it as your last visit, managed to be one of the “best final moments of your life”.

More on the topic of dementia, you can read here…

you can sit during the hair cut, side by side, and as his wife in the series was, had been turned his chair so that he could see your face when Cutting. “Looking back just a hair, it was probably cut by many for you. But one that reminded a woman of their self-worth and their incredible beauty,“ writes the widower in his letter.

gratitude of a widower

His wife was so nice felt. He had been gone a day to the bathroom to look in the mirror. And the joy of his wife and her husband did well: “to see you happy, was priceless.”

He ended the letter with a reminder that such moments are, of course. For this reason, he hoped that they “will always be the power of their profession be aware of.”

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