Mattia Binotto sat on a red chair and rolled further and further to the back – up of the team leader of the hard-to-ailing formula 1 team Ferrari was sitting with his back to the wall.

Presumably, the 50-Year-old, the symbolism was not aware of, as he crouched in the video conference in a tiny room in the Motorhome for the Scuderia at the Hungaroring between his two disappointed drivers Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc. Both had previously been in the Grand Prix of Hungary from the outstanding Lewis Hamilton in the Mercedes, even lapping – the maximum penalty. Very painful it was “for us and for our Fans,” said Binotto.

And the pain did not let up even with a bit of distance. “The entire project needs to be revised”, – said Binotto on the Homepage of the Scuderia: “I’m well aware of the fact that there is no magic wand in the formula 1, but we need to step up a gear around the curve to get, both in the short and in the long term.”

Boom. Sitting. Not surprising it. The first three races went from a Ferrari point of view, even worse than feared. The brand from Maranello, in the Winter still as on the 1000. Grand Prix of their so-glorious history in Motorsport king had enjoyed class this year, is to your 994. World Cup run of a world Cup contender miles away. Ferrari, only middle class.

“not Our normality well enough,” said Vettel on his agonizing farewell tour. Sixth in Hungary – his best result of the season placing, that says it all. Team-mate Charles Leclerc, struggled as the Eleventh to the finish – not even a point.

Almost inevitably, the two Ferrari drivers know that you will not stop this Hamilton on the way to the seventh world Cup Triumph in the Corona-Notsaison. On the question of how the 35-Year-old is yet to stop, answer Vettel: “If Valtteri will be champion of the world.” Was meant to be Hamilton’s team-mate Bottas, but it also has the 86-time Grand Prix winner and 90-time pole setter after the opening victory, back in the handle.

In the handle seems to be at Ferrari, nothing. “We can close the gap only if we understand, why our car is so slow,” said Binotto. “Everyone will analyze his work and must have the courage to change course when this is necessary, because the current dynamic is unacceptable.” There is no other solution, “to get on top of this Situation”.

anyone Who thought that the always so sober and level-headed parlier to the end of a mechanical engineer have said only in a first fit of anger and disappointment, was wrong. 24 hours later, Binotto added: “It might also be necessary, that we must look to our organization to improve our working methods and to strengthen, where the Need is greatest.”

Previously, the “La Gazzetta dello Sport had asked” already: “rolling heads?”, to give yourself the speculative answer: “Yes, if it means that the different departments work better.”

As a team leader Binotto itself, however, is the first in the chain of Responsibility. He must face the criticism of a weak car, and a little productive team match – in the second race both of them were eliminated after a red Crash.

Ferrari team boss Binotto since January of 2019. He replaced the former cigarette Manager Maurizio Arrivabene, and should lead to the Scuderia for the first driver’s title since 2007 (Kimi Raikkonen). And now? Vettel is world Cup tenth, Leclerc in the Seventh. And your team leader sits or stands with his back to the wall.

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