students of the Christian-Wolff-gymnasium in Neustadt and Thomas-Müntzer-gymnasium Halle (TMG) came back from their Skilagern in Italy – a Corona-Hotspot. On Board: Thomas Gaube, head of the TMG and simultaneously head of the national Association of philologists. Like all other returnees, he was examined immediately upon arrival and in a two-week quarantine sent. “But I thought that it will not stay for two weeks, but the consequences of the Corona will be much greater than many imagined.”

Germany was not prepared for this crisis, which relates to the school,

Now, three months have passed and the new Virus has actually made everything on the head. In Gaubes school and all other establishments in the country, for their teacher, he speaks. “I think we have all realized that Germany was not prepared for this crisis, which relates to the school,” he says. “Everybody felt it.” The biggest Problem was the equipment in the schools. Less the health, because the partition walls or the like will not be in anyway practical.

Gaube speaks of the technical equipment, such as a single digital learning platform. It does not give the majority of schools simply led to more adventurous scenes. “Teachers have had to make together with your private work materials, your home Scanner, mobile phone or Laptop, teaching materials,” says the teacher. A lot of time to invest in the care of the students had gone, lost.

a Clear requirement for the policy: Better and more equipment

another Problem is the privacy is. If he could see what was spoken in video conferences, which are stored on computers outside of Germany, between or evaluated, make it a great deal of Worry. And even if students and teachers would exchange written documents, it was already alarming, because they, too, could be evaluated.

Dormer has, therefore, a clear requirement of the policy: “The equipment is not at all sufficient. I expect that the country is coming out now, finally, from the conception and speech phase.“ There is a need for a communication platform with servers in Germany.

changes of Corona: No masks in the classroom

Now the holidays are only once. For the time after that, the headmaster wants again as quickly as possible in a regular classroom. Permanent systems are not, such as students in A – and B-groups, and by the week to teach practical. “Distance learning is not a replacement school. School lives of social contacts,“ said Gaube.

As it was before the pandemic, the school day is not in appearance but probably also, even if all of the students appear to be back in the classroom. In the hallways it was certainly good, if the students and teachers wear masks, says Dormer. In the classroom he could not imagine. “But you have to say that the vast majority of pupils is very responsible – at least on the school grounds. What happens in front of the school gate, out of which we have no influence.“

“Behind us is without a doubt a special year”

with regard to the services in the tests, is in Saxony-Anhalt, philologists Chairman, that most of the exams adjusted to the extent, therefore, have been reduced and students have a fair Chance. This is confirmed by the average Abitur grade, the education Ministry announced on Friday. It is as in the previous year at 2.3. Only the percentage of failed Abiprüfungen rose from 5 to 5.3 percent.

“Behind us is without a doubt a special year,” said Minister of education, Marco Tulln (CDU). It was, in retrospect, correctly, to open the schools for the purpose of preparation first for the students, which is graduation and baccalaureate exams were before. (mz)

This article was written by Oliver Müller-Lorey

*The post “Homeschooling and groups: head of TMG, after the turbulent school year summary” is published by the mitteldeutsche Zeitung. Contact with the executives here.

Central German newspaper