It is the morning of Monday, 13. July, Gabriel V. was found dead in his apartment in the Mannheim district of neckarstadt-West. According to information from the police of Baden-Württemberg, the 35-year-old studied for 2016 at the University of Heidelberg. In Mannheim, he was in a one-room apartment.

last whereabouts unknown

As the investigators report, it was Gabriel V. for the last time on 5. July live seen. He was at that time in the evening, in the heart of Heidelberg. What happened afterwards up to the time of his death, the police is still a mystery. So far, neither his whereabouts could be identified contact persons in this period. To the lifetime of the Student resided mostly in the Rhine-Neckar-circle, with a focus in the city of Mannheim, was reported for the investigation furnished Soko “Laurel”.

no results of the investigation of legal medicine

the corpse of The deceased student has been subjected to a legal medical examinations, the exact time of death can be determined. Also the Studio apartment of the dead was examined for possible traces. The results of both studies are in the meantime still.

call the police

According to the police, Mannheim, several witnesses reported already on the phone with the investigators, the notes still need to be tested. Of particular importance is to clarify the following questions, what the officials are asking the public for help:

  • Where has Gabriel V. since 5 July 2020 up to his finding on the Morning of the 13th. July 2020 stopped?
  • With whom he had contact?
  • when was he last seen alive?

witnesses who can give evidence to the fact, for the victims, but also to the still unknown perpetrators of the crime are asked to call the phone number 0621/174-4444 to the police. In addition, can turn to whistleblowers under the phone number 01577 / 6988567 on the confidential telephone.

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