Question: is there a risk because of the flood of money Inflation?

Dirk Müller: From my point of view is at first a deflationary shock, or at least a deflationary development. In the economic crisis, people keep their money together, it will be less out of town, the prices are falling. This shows, for example, in the case of discounts granted to Auto.

At the same time, trillion-money spent in the market. The money applies to a smaller range of goods, which is, at the latest, after the economic crisis, to Inflation. How much of this is true, or whether it is even a galloping Inflation, can say at the moment no one seriously before.

question: is there a risk of a currency reform? What can happen then?

Dirk Müller : defines A good question, but first, what monetary reform is. The conversion from DM to Euro was one of the. I think, that we say goodbye to the classic money and there will be a digital Dollar, e-Euro. The exciting question is whether the “old money” will be worthless, or the assets can be obtained. Dirk müller’s Top 5: the profit of industries (display)

The stock markets have recovered since the crash in March made a strong recovery. But is the Boom of duration or threaten new dangers. You’ll learn first-Hand from “Mr. Dax” Dirk Müller and to invest where it is worth: Buy it for 9,90 Euro, the recording of the Web seminar, “Müller Top 5: the winning sectors” in FOCUS Online and Finanzen100.


I have to buy fear that people with money assets, strong to suffer losses, and that the next currency reform has been a rather disruptive rather than harmless. And if that is the case, investors with property values, better than cash or money in the account. Property values is, ultimately, no matter the currency in which you record.

question: What are the signals that you detect a Burst of the equity bubble?

Dirk Müller: , The so-called Smart Money, so the smart money experienced institutional investors, is a factor. Experienced traders are holding back currently, just strong. Stock market expert Müller: Bitcoin makes the way for the Monitoring of each payment, FOCUS Online exchanges-expert Müller: Bitcoin makes the way for the Monitoring of each payment,

question: at the end of April I have sold my shares – what should I do now?

Dirk Müller: Ultimately, it always depends on the personal attitude to the markets. I can’t exclude the possibility of disasters-bull run, think, however, that there will be stock in the winter half of the year, again significantly cheaper.Here you can purchase the recording.

On a year to mid-2021, the nightmare could be over. Therefore, it would be a way to invest over a period of a year, every month, around 8 per cent of the capital. With the staggered entry of the investors would be there when it goes to the top or he has a good mixing rate year-on-year.

question: do bonds have a future?

Dirk Müller: After a currency reform, Yes, but not currently. For me, it is a strange Investment, when investors buy bonds, and you get in the best case, less than before for it. And I also have a default risk. This is not a good idea.

question: How can I make money for two to three months between Parking?

Dirk Müller: interest rates on fixed – term or money there is, anyway. I would leave it because of the flexibility in the account, a stable bench.

question: Would you sell a property now, or rather as an investment to hold or even buy?

Dirk Müller: Buy, I would not currently, but the prices to me are generally too high. But if I own a property, I would not sell, but hold. Because what do I do with the money if I veräußere? In times like these items for a reasonable investment. Apple, Amazon, Facebook – just a Tech-giant is, Dirk Müller, a purchase FOCUS Online Apple, Amazon, Facebook – just a Tech-giant is, Dirk Müller, a purchase

FOCUS Online: Is there a real estate bubble?

Dirk Müller: Given the current economic Situation, the risk of a bubble is real. Especially in the case of commercial or office real estate will change a lot of things alone, if one thinks of the Trend to the Home Office.

FOCUS Online: do I prefer to make a special redemption payment or the saved money to invest in the stock market?

Dirk Müller: Safer than with a special redemption, I can’t invest my money. You then have less debt and with the interest savings with a guaranteed return. The makes but free and independent. to be able to

Update: Dax flight with a small Minus

the tips of Dirk Müller implement, must remain on the market: After the recent winning streak, the German stock market has found yesterday, there is no clear direction. The Dax closed with a loss of 0.51 percent at 13 104,25 points. On Tuesday, the DAX had climbed to the adopted Corona-the financial package of the EU up to 13 313 points, and had ultimately gained nearly a percent. The MDax ended on Wednesday, however, with an increase of 0.57 per cent, at 27 390,38 counters.

As commented on the FOCUS Online readers of this post:

“as Long as interest rates remain so low ( what will be in the next 15 years for sure) and the Inflation tends to increase more, real estate in addition to shares, the only way money is reasonably stable in value create. In contrast to shares, you can live in real estate also.”

“No man can currently be estimated only in the approach, what will happen in the next few months. If a vaccine comes out, the Situation is completely different, as if a second Lockdown that sends the economy into a deep sleep. Stock market experts can, therefore, say as little in advance as, for example, the virologist Droste. And even the epidemiology is difficult to do currently with forecasts. As you don’t want to give but an economic forecast, if the development of the real economy will remain time for a month predictable? It is tempting to make predictions and to hope that they occur randomly. Seriously, this is not absolute.” Stock market hype about hydrogen, but Dirk Müller risky sees Parallels FOCUS Online/Wochit stock market hype about hydrogen, but Dirk Müller risky sees Parallels between the Azores and Russia is not high: it goes with the summer PCP between the Azores and Russia is not high: it goes with the summer
