In the media is referred to the now 20-Year-old as a “Chair Girl”. Now the consequences of your question follow the action: Two years probation, pay tribute to, a penalty of $ 2,000, and 150 hours of community service. The canadian TV channel “CablePulse24 reported”.

“What she did was dangerous and selfish,” said judge Mara Greene clear in the judgment. From their perspective, it would be much more dramatic: “It was pure luck that nobody killed or injured.”

Superstar “Drake” will have no more of the Influencerin in his music video

The verdict is still mild for Marcella S. The judge justified this with the young age of the Influencerin. In addition, Greene court noted that her behavior already, some of the future plans of the young woman crosses. So Marcella S. was kicked out of her College classes and her short appearance in a music video of the famous canadian rapper “Drake” was cut out.

Originally, the prosecution had demanded a six-month prison sentence. The prisoner’s lawyer, Gregory Leslie, was very satisfied with the decision of the judge, such as the British “Sun” reported.

Leslie had explained the behavior of his client before with excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, the four friends of the young woman, which were at the time of the murder on the balcony of a rented Airbnb apartment had been a bad influence.

the Video triggered a viral Shitstorm – Marcella, for example, and then deleted Social Media Profiles

Marcella, for example, the Video in February 2019 on your Instagram channel published, earning you a huge Shitstorm. Then you put out both your Instagram and your Facebook channel. Even the mayor of Toronto responded at the time, publicly angry about the “Prank”.

The canadian appeared remorseful: “I apologize to all that are offended by my actions. I don’t regret it really, and I’ll take responsibility.“

your Instagram Account has enabled Marcella, for example, now and again. In the last Post you thanked for the “great support” from family and friends. And more: “I’m ready to put what happened into something Positive.” How you want to do, remains questionable.

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