If his style has not evolved at the margin, this new Zoe has never been as alluring. Now with a bonus of 7000 euros, it can also rely on performances, but mostly on a radius of action significantly revised upwards (up to 395 km on cycle WLTP for the R110). What to reposition itself in a category of new small electric cars to full blast. It is therefore more versatile, but also easier to live with on a daily basis thanks to a suspension that is very comfortable and soundproofing improved. On the other hand, so that it becomes a real alternative to a hybrid model or thermal, that is to say, able to improvise for long trips without a time constraint or destination, it would be necessary that the Zoe can charge more quickly (50 kW at the maximum here… option 1 000 euros). This would allow them access to a network of terminals with more powerful (100, or even 150 kW), which, it must be said, still sins by a higher density and reliability largely inadequate. In the state, the Zoe remains a great second car.


Renault Zoe 2 © Renault

on the market since 2012, the Zoe is the star of the european car market with over 200,000 copies sold on the old continent, of which more than 37 000 over the first quarter of 2020. But Zoe must now reckon with its best rival the Peugeot e-208 but also and especially on the offensive without precedent in the VW group, which, after the small VW e-Up, Seat Mii and Skoda CITIGOe iV price positioning particularly aggressive is preparing to launch the highly anticipated ID.3.

As with previous versions, this new Zoe is meeting in the Western paris in the Renault plant of Flins, from links on the ground and a casing of the battery manufactured in le Mans, and of cells of battery (always provided by LG Chem) from Poland. The commercialization of Zoe ZE50 will begin in October.


Renault Zoe © RenaultRenault Zoe © Renault

Renault presents the new Zoe ZE50 as the “third generation” of its electric model. It would rather tend to see a big facelift since, front apart – hood plus ribbed overcoming of the headlamps 100% led and a logo enlarged to fit the new CCS, the body does not change, as the platform in which the dimensions (wheelbase and track) remain the same. The electric motor – still synchronous rotor wound – evolving him, since it is now available in two power levels of 110 and 135 hp, while the battery has been completely redesigned.

Renault Zoe 2 © Renault

Its architecture was reviewed to install cell most high, and this allows a gain of 25 % in capacity from 41 to 52 kWh. The cooling of the battery is always done by air and can be supported by the air-conditioning. Similarly, the heating of the passenger compartment is always ensured by a heat pump, which exhibits a performance significantly superior to a conventional system resistance. In effect, it produces, on average, two times more calories for the same electrical power consumption, reducing the impact on battery life.

Renault Zoe 2 © Renault

The other development relates to the braking system, the rear drum of the previous model being replaced by disks. This new Zoe is about 40 kg heavier than the previous one (+ 20 kg from 306 to 326 kg for the battery, + 20 kg for the new interior and mainly the soundproofing with a filling of most of the hollow body of the structure). The result of this slight overweight, the connections to the ground have also been the subject of a new development.


Renault Zoe 2 © Renault

In fact, it is moving to the edge that the change compared to the previous model appears to be the most spectacular. The set appears much more upscale, with a new dashboard whose design seems inspired by that of the Clio about 5 ; and for good reason, the Zoe takes the interface Easy Link to large touch screen positioned vertically. For the rest, the limitations of the original model remain with a driving position with the seat a little high, and the steering wheel too far away from the seat.

At the rear, the interior space appears to be limited, both in terms of width, but also on guard to the roof, which turns out to be a bit tight for passengers over 1,80 m from The big guys who suffer also when they are installed on the seat whose position is enhanced because of the battery which is hidden under the floor. Result : they end up with the knees in height in a position that can prove tiring on long journey. At 338 litres, the boot is sufficient for daily use which are intended for the Zoe.

the VIEW OF The AUTO focus

Renault Zoe © Renault

a View of the cockpit, the main quality of an electric car lies in the feeling of serenity it provides. No noise – and even fewer in this new Zoe in the previous thanks to a sound insulation reinforced, no clutch pedal, no stress. This Zoe new generation adds to it a skillfully engineered suspension control for a relaxed driving with a depreciation released, which guarantees an excellent level of comfort at very low speeds.

And as the centre of gravity is low, this choice does not pose any problem even when the pace increases on a winding road, where the Zoe is very easy and fun to drive, thanks to a behavior that is very stable. Just need it to compose on the road with one direction, little informative, and some contacts a little more harsh with the stops of the suspensions to the passage of bumps addressed quickly.

Renault Zoe 2 © Renault

new for this ZE50, a shift lever for selecting a mode B (for Brake) in order to increase the regeneration of the battery, and therefore the level of deceleration when you lift your foot off the accelerator. Of course, it is not a mode “One Pedal” that would slow up to the stop without pressing the brake pedal as that of the Nissan Leaf, but it is still helping to make Zoe even more easy to drive.

The level of autonomy announced by Renault, 386 km for our test model R135, appears realistic given the kind of consumption that we have identified, of 12 kWh/100 km in the Economy mode Run (a little more than 400 km of autonomy), to 20 kWh/100 km in driving dynamics on the road (about 250 km).

Renault Zoe 2 © Renault

For drivers that have at least one outlet for charging at home, and another car whose propulsion system comprises a combustion engine for long journeys or unforeseen, the Zoe is, therefore, an interesting choice. Remains to try the e-208, a direct rival of Zoe’s, but slightly more habitable (its drum is carved out of caves on foot for the rear passengers), the more quickly rechargeable (up to 100 kW), and that Peugeot advert is slightly more powerful for the same price.



suspension Comfort

Driving pleasant and serene


Livability rear limited

fast Charging (50 kW) only in option (1 000 euros)

Loads super fast (up to 100 kW and more) unavailable

Under the hood of the Renault Zoe ZE50 R110 / R135

synchronous electric Motor rotor wound
Power : 108 hp (80 kW) 3 395 10 886 rpm / 135 hp (100 kW) 4 200 11 163 rev/min
Torque : 225 Nm 500 3 395 rpm / 245 Nm from 1 500 to 3 600 r/min
Transmission : wheels avantRenault Zoe © Renault
Box : gearbox fixed ratio
Dimensions (L/w/h) : 4 084 × 1 730 × 1 562 mm
Safety deposit box : 338 1 225 l
Weight : 1 502 kg (13,9 kg/hp / 11.1 kg/hp)
0-100 km/h : 11,4 s / 9,5 s
Speed : 135 km/h / 140 km/h
battery Capacity : 52 kWh
Autonomy official on cycle WLTP : 395 miles / 386 km
Autonomy in the actual condition : of 260 to 400 km
CO2 Emissions : 0 g

recharging Time

domestic Socket 8A : more than 30 heuresRenault Zoe 2 © Renault
On wallbox 7 kW : 9: 25 a.m. (or 300 km in 8 hours)
On terminal 11 kW : 125 km in 2 hours
On terminal three-phase 22 kW : 125 km in 1 hour
On terminal to dc 50 kW : 150 km in 30 minutes

Price : off-bonus (7,000 euros), but including the battery 8 100 euros.

from 32 000 euros for R110 finish LIFE / 34 600 euros for R135 finish ZEN.

starting from 169 euro/ month for 37 months, with prime rent of € 8,000 for Zoe R110.