Society. Prime minister Jean Castex will be this Saturday with the minister of the Interior and the minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti in Nice, where fire broke out in the middle of the day in front of a supermarket on Monday to discuss the insecurity. “It is a topic of critical, major,” said the head of the government Thursday about several episodes of violence that have taken place in recent days, including the shooting Monday occurred in the sensitive area of the Mills, known in particular for being a place of drug trafficking in the city, and of which a video was broadcast on social networks. In an interview Friday in the Figaro, Gérald Darmanin believed that it “needs to stop going wild in a certain part of the society, and stated his willingness to” fight with the first energy ” islamism.

Read also Coignard – Macron, Castex and plaster Darmanin

social Movement. The intersyndicale of Castorama, which challenges the management’s proposals on profit sharing, has called for a new day of strike action this Saturday in stores of the home improvement retailer. “Employees are more determined than ever to collect the fruit of their work, the directorate offers a guaranteed interest rate of 1.43 monthly wages for the year. We call for the strict application of the negotiated agreement is capped at 20 % of the annual payroll, i.e. 2.4 months of salary over the year for all, ” said in a press release that the trade unions CFTC, FO, CFE-CGC, CGT and CFDT. The signatories to the agreement, incentive in march, the CFTC and the CFDT, point out in a separate press release that “the account is not there,” and demanded the application of the agreement ” such that it was a result of the common intention of the parties “.

Read also Castex, the man who has captivated the social partners

Holidays. The traffic will be “again, very difficult” this Saturday on all the roads of France, has indicated Bison Futé. “The first caps should appear at about 6 o’clock in the morning and the difficulties are expected to persist until early evening,” says the centre for road information, which was advised to wait until Sunday to go on a vacation.

also Read “it When it’s Paris Plages, all the world plays the game”

History. twenty years ago, on 25 July 2000, Concorde Air France to New York crashed into a hotel near Gonesse, Île-de-France, one minute and twenty-eight seconds after his takeoff of the airport of Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle. This tragic event had caused the death of 113 people.

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