The fight against the epidemic of coronavirus force the States of the world to take new measures. Thus, in the United States, the country most grief-stricken of the world, with 145 000 deaths, the government of Donald Trump has decided Friday, July 24, to suspend the issuance of visas to foreign students if the courses are delivered online.

at the same time, under pressure from the White House, which wants to reactivate the economy, the health authorities have updated the new rules to promote a return to the classroom of american grade in the fall. In this country, the imposition of the wearing of masks is also spreading : the giant of fast food, Mcdonald’s will require all its customers to wear from the 1st of August.

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enhanced screening of travellers

In Europe, the epidemic has killed 207 118 people for more than 3 million cases, according to a count by the AFP. “The recent resurgence of cases of Covid-19 in some countries after the relaxation of the measures of distancing is certainly a cause for concern “, said the Agency France-Presse, a spokesman for the european branch of the world health Organization (WHO). The organization has called on european countries to remain responsive and to lift the restrictions, ” with attention “, or to reintroduce them if needed.

Several countries in the region have strengthened controls passenger. Germany provides free tests to returning travelers in the country. And France, where viral circulation is “net increase” according to the health authorities, has made tests mandatory for travelers coming from 16 countries, including the United States and Algeria. The Prime minister, Jean Castex, has recommended to the French as” avoid ” to go to Catalonia, in the north-east of Spain, where the government Friday ordered the closure of nightclubs and bars in the night in the face of rising infections.

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Norway has again imposed restrictions on travel with Spain, where the epidemic is rising again. Belgium beat Friday, a sad record : a little girl of three years died of Covid-19 a few days ago, were announced by the health authorities, making it the youngest victim of the virus in this country which is experiencing an increase in contamination, with 64 847 cases. In England, the obligation to wear the mask in shops and supermarkets came into force while swimming pools and sports halls are called to re-open Saturday.

dramatic Situation in Peru

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the threshold of 4 million cases was also passed. Brazil alone now has more than 2.2 million cases. Sao Paulo has decided to postpone sine die its carnival, and Rio de Janeiro is considering this option. The situation is particularly dramatic in Peru, where the health system and the country’s second city, Arequipa, is totally saturated. Infected people are sleeping in tents in front of the hospitals or in their cars, in the hope of obtaining a place.

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” The world is infested “, says Raquel Barrera, a Salvadoran 28-year-old, whose parents are both dead of the Covid-19, as three of his brothers, in less than two months. In Nicaragua, the masks are also for the beauty queens as the competition for the crown of Miss Nicaragua 2020 is maintained but closed to the public. Panama has announced that he gave up to organize the women’s world Cup of football of less than 20 years, which was to take place in early 2021, as well as the sport Games of central America and the Caribbean by 2022.

Containment part in Japan

According to the Red Cross, the economic balance sheet of the devastating pandemic may trigger new waves of migration once the borders reopened. Elsewhere in the world, the numbers also continue to grow. In India, 740 new deaths attributed to the Covid-19 have been identified in 24 hours, according to an official report Friday. With 30,000 deaths, the country becomes the sixth spot most of the dead, behind the United States, Brazil, Great Britain, Mexico and Italy.

also Read Mario Vargas Llosa : “The coronavirus has delighted all the enemies of freedom”

Several countries have chosen to impose new measures of containment part. The approximately 10 million inhabitants of Tokyo were invited to stay with them since Thursday, the first day of a long holiday weekend. To Antwerp, in Belgium, meetings of more than 10 people were banned from Saturday. In a rare sign of optimism, the Arena of Verona in Italy will be welcoming their first concert Saturday, since the containment and in the United Kingdom, the Brighton Open air Theatre will reopen to the public.

writing will advise you

The pandemic of Covid, a great revealing of the social inequalities In hong Kong, the quarantine derailed and the epidemic starts again