are there, of all places, where most tourists and the least amount of money machines are, you’re lost without cash often. Since your credit cards are still so Black or platinum and your Payment can be set up Account on Apple Pay or Google Pay: You will get no food and no goods received. Because there, of all places, to stop where normal times, not only German, but also foreign tourists, only a debit card is almost every window. Often with the note “30 Euro”.

it has just found in the big cities in the past few months away from the cash. More and more, even a Baker and small business card payments. Contactless is the magic word. Finally, customer and employee exchange not objects and do not touch also.

fees are not a justification

But of all places where many Strangers from all Parts of Germany meet, the trader often still to this Form of payment. To understand the is not. Because in the meantime, there are various terminal providers, explicitly aimed at small businesses. Anyone who argues here with the charges only after the last excuse of a straw. Because there are providers that do not charge any fixed costs, and no Event fee. Ingested cash must also be taken to the Bank, costs charges and increases the theft risk.

The only Argument that you can apply, is a lack of Internet connection. Then, the Terminals are not able to go online and make the payment verify. The places in Germany, where there is neither DSL nor one of the three mobile operators with LTE, meanwhile, are however clear.

Restaurants without card payment your own grave

blades If, however, the restaurateurs and retailers are doing more of the same, so you’re digging your own grave. For those customers who are used to it from the home, to pay only digital, looking for other stores or even other places for a vacation. This may not be in the interests of the already battered gastronomy.

This article was written by Thorsten Neuhetzki

*The post “comment: that’s Why you’re with Apple Pay and Google Pay in the holiday lost” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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