“After intensive Review of the Corona-Warn-App: The App works with both operating systems, Android and iOS, always.” With this set, the Telekom launches her opinion, she has spread on Saturday to the media. The Telekom signed together with the Software giant SAP, is responsible for the Corona-Warning-App. As a spokesman for the company stressed, have replaced the App “automatically anonymous Codes with other users”. Also, the list of positively Tested had been updated and there were warnings. Here’s a restriction: “not, However, always automatically in the Background, but if the App was opened.”

that is Exactly the Problem that was referred to, among other things, the picture as a glitch. Because only those who watched regularly, the App is opened could be warned. At the core of the was all Android users with a phone from Samsung or Huawei. But even with the iPhone there appears to be problems in this regard, in the case of some models.

Telekom were the reasons for the lack of warnings

Of the Telekom continues: “For these limitations, there is a solution. While for Android users*inside an Update is available already since a few days available, for the first time this Saturday afternoon will also be an Update for the App available in the Apple Store with Version 1.1.2. Apple users*must call for the full activation of the Updates the App once. This applies even if a Smartphone has been turned off for a longer period of time.“

In the telecoms Write the speaker also mentions in detail the various reasons for Non-Functioning of the warnings in the Corona App.

  • The Android operating system was the cause of the energy-saving mode that is restricted on some devices, the background updating is strongly, if not disabled, could have.
  • The operating system iOS introduced the background updating is not always regular (the Problem goes back to the so-called “Scheduler,” and is Apple working on it).
  • Without the App-fix: warning is only for daily Opening

    The interim solution have passed in fact, is to open the App once a day, and thus the synchronization with the Server trigger. In Android systems, the App now has an additional slider, which simplifies the permanent activation of the background update for the users*on the inside. For iOS, the developer team have found “a way to bypass the operating system-related limitations, until Apple has solved the problem with the system itself.”

    in the Future, SAP and Telekom also intend to improve the communication process, “in order to give the population faster important operating instructions and to inform about possible restrictions. We do everything possible to convince even more people of the Corona-Warning-App and move to Join in.

    This article was written by Thorsten Neuhetzki

    *The post “Corona-App: the Telekom is responding to the allegations” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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