The Telekom has pooled a portion of their old UMTS frequencies, as well as a part of the frequencies that you can use, actually, until 2021,. For this, she has agreed with competitors O2, the frequencies belong to. The Telekom LTE can be very fast, but 5G on these frequencies offer. The result: Within a few weeks of the Telekom reached many millions of users with 5G. Prior to that 5G was only available in large cities, but also significantly faster. This is made possible by a dynamic, technology-Sharing of the frequencies of DSS called.

Vodafone had been set up, with few exceptions, only 5G Hotspots. With frequencies around 700 MHz Vodafone had already introduced the DSS process on some of the masts. The frequency band is new in Germany. Here, too, there are so far only a single transmitter, which Vodafone operates.

5G at frequencies around 1800 MHz

According to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) has enabled Vodafone now but in Frankfurt, another frequency band for 5G. These are frequencies around 1800 MHz for LTE is known as Band 3. These frequencies uses Vodafone already long for its LTE network. Once it used to be pure GSM frequencies. Now Vodafone has activated but, according to the FAZ 150 antennas in Frankfurt with the DSS method, so that in addition to LTE at the same time 5G on these frequencies is active.

The network operators have with the DSS the advantage that they can offer two network standards in parallel on the same frequency. The network decides independently and in real time, which is the network standard has what is needed. This depends on the number of users in a cell. In addition, the provider does not need new antennas. But DSS also has a disadvantage. The signaling traffic, i.e., not for end users, usable Overhead is up to 30 percent is very high. The result is that The network is in the DSS mode, slower than it would be operating in a pure LTE or 5G. And: 5G is on these frequencies is significantly slower than in the actual 5G range to 3.6 GHz.

you can use the 5G network, do not need to you only have a 5G-phones and a plan from Vodafone. It is also important that the phone supports the frequency band N3. This is not the case of many mobile phones is still the case.

This article was written by Thorsten Neuhetzki

*The post “More 5G: Vodafone, the mobile phone pimp network with this Trick on” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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