proposals for the ‘Convention’ for the climate will come to life. Monday, July 27th, the government will announce the first measures of the “regulatory” at the end of the defense Council ecological chaired by Emmanuel Macron, before the laws planned for 2021. “This 5th meeting of the Council of defense green [10: 30 a.m. at the Elysée palace] will include the first measures from the ‘Convention’ for the climate, the fight against the artificialisation of soils and the creation of new protected areas, ” said Sunday the Elysée in a statement.

The 150 citizens of the Convention have proposed 149 measures in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of France, of which 146 were selected by the president and Emmanuel Macron, on a variety of topics, from housing to food, from soil degradation, or transport. In a column published Sunday in West-France, Prime minister Jean Castex himself as the defender of” an ecology of field “based on the dialogue at the level of a territory, as opposed to an ecological” self-righteous, or bigoted “. And he has promised to follow the ‘Convention’ on climate ” by concrete and ambitious actions “.

Read also the climate Convention : the double of Emmanuel Macron

“there will be a number of announcements of concrete because we want to show that the work has been done by the ‘Convention’ for months is a concrete work that will change the daily life of the people “, has confirmed on Europe 1 on Monday the minister of the ecological Transition Barbara Pompili. “We will not of course apply this morning all the regulatory measures that we have proposed “, she stated, adding that it would be first applied to the measures that can be passed by order or decree.

Limitation to 30 km/h in urban areas

Among these measures that can be adopted by decree and which are therefore the fastest to implement) could be included, according to The Journal du dimanche, the limitation to 30 km/h in urban areas or the increase in the bonus “green” vehicles that emit low levels of CO2. “It avoids making too much of things which concern the local communities,” and ” typically, it is a measure that affects many local communities. I believe that nobody would understand, including our elected officials, we can make these kinds of decisions without having an exchange with them “, has qualified Barbara Pompili at about 30 km/h.

Read also Enter the climate in the Constitution, is this a good idea ?

These topics that should be addressed Wednesday during a first meeting between citizens, representatives of local authorities, the minister and the Economy minister Bruno Le Maire. The government should then introduce a bill for other measures at the end of the summer, “that is to say, at the turn of September-October “so that” the text can be examined in plenary at the beginning of the year 2021, ” said Marc Fesneau, minister delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament and the citizen Participation.


part of the measures proposed by the convention, such as the thermal renovation of housing or for the development of clean transport, should be included in the government’s recovery plan, which will be unveiled on 24 August by the council of ministers. On 14 July, Emmanuel Macron had said they want to “redevelop massively” the rail sector, and “a large renovation programme” energy, in schools and long-term care Facility in a first time.

also Read Antoine Waechter : “France is not ready to elect a president green”

the president of the Republic has also asked to be placed “as soon as possible” the fight against global warming in the Constitution, which requires to launch a complex review process that could end with a referendum. This Council of defense of the ecological, “it is a gadget […], this is to do a bit of tralalas, we, we say : apply the ‘Convention’ for the climate and hurry because there are less than 600 days, this government is almost finished and this mandate is tempered to the climate for the moment, ” said Monday, the national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou on France Info.

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Kervasdoué – Convention for the weather : all this just for that ! ‘Convention’ for the climate : and after ? Climate : the warning of the High Council to the government