just announced in the courtyard of the Elysée palace by the new minister of the ecological Transition, the measure has ignited the social networks. “Suicidal, irresponsible ! “has thundered on Twitter the member of the european parliament Thierry Mariani, in addition to the government’s decision to ban, starting in the spring of 2021, the heated terraces. While many cafes and restaurants are economically to its knees after the containment, it would be ” the best way to make them go bankrupt even faster “, slice the mep. Forgetting, in passing, that the extent, precisely in order to not keep it professionals heavily impacted by the crisis, will be implemented at the end of the winter…

also Read Ecology : the clowns, the real specialists, and other…

But Barbara Pompili is good : this practice ” constitutes an aberration green. […] It is impossible to heat at full capacity in winter, for the simple pleasure of drinking his coffee on the terrace with hot. “Unstoppable argument of good sense, which also explains the obligation that will be made to all buildings which are heated or air conditioned open to the public to close their doors. Illustration of “the ecology punitive” or full-scale test of the actual involvement of the French ? “After the’ convention ‘on climate, while the world has discovered more eco friendly than its neighbor,” says one advisor, ” and the government is constantly accused of not doing enough “. The prohibition of heated terraces, a provision already in force in several countries in Northern Europe, will also assess, according to him, the concrete efforts that everyone is willing to make to achieve a society that is more ” green “.

thermal Renovation required : only 250 000 housing units affected

The other ads of the morning to meet the same goal : to provide concrete answers, while moderating it as much as possible the efforts required of the middle and popular classes, in order not to rush public opinion that the increase of the carbon tax had heated to white, who is stirred by the evocation of a speed restriction on the motorway at 110 km/h. The end of boilers to fuel oil and coal is recognised (and the sector will be accompanied). But the introduction, by decree, the energy performance among the criteria of “decency” of housing as of January 1, 2023, which is presented as a key measure, will in reality only very few units. Specifically, people who live in houses consuming more than 500 kW/h per square metre per year may require the owner to make the work, under the penalty for the latter to no longer collect rent, and even to be banned from rental. But the measure is far to be all ” strainers thermal “, that the analysts are the least severe defined as housing in excess of 350 kW/h per square meter. The threshold set by the next decree should only relate that some 250 000 dwellings classified G (about 3.1 million of strainers thermal classified F and G), but it says a lot about the harshness of the resistors : the first draft submitted to discussion set the threshold… to 700 kWh/year.

also Read Ecology : truths and fariboles

The realization of the wishes of the ‘Convention’ on the artificialisation of the soil faces the same resistance : a possible moratorium on new commercial areas on the outskirts of the cities, popular measure with the public, but not among mayors eager to secure employment on their territory, is postponed to future legislative measures… And the discussions that will take place, starting Wednesday, between members of the ‘Convention’ and parliamentarians, who will work together, until the month of January, in the drafting of a bill. On this subject, as on others, the discussions promise to be lively, as the achievement of the set objectives requires an effort really collective : over the past ten years, the commercial and industrial zones accounted for only 12 % of the land is degraded, when the individual houses were swallowed… 46 %.

writing will advise you

Climate : heated terraces soon to be banned in the public space, the Peugeot e-208 : the anti-Zoe PSA Ford Kuga : electrical representation multicard Renault Zoe : the electric the most sold in Europe