The Telecom has redid their Hybrid rates. In the case of the Hybrid-Tariffs, Telekom combines fixed-line access with LTE and thus increases the data rate. Previously, it was usually a doubling of the fixed data rate, the you book could. The Hybrid rates were usually free of charge bookable. Up to 100 Mbit to 50 Mbit/s/s. Now, the Hybrid LTE Option includes up to 300 Mbit/s. Depending on the state of expansion of the LTE network of Telekom, it is correspondingly less.

The necessary Hybrid-Router Speedport Pro uses in the Transmission of data in the cellular network in parallel to the fixed network. The new Option is in all Magenta home Rates for € 4.95 on a monthly basis. However, the required special router fails properly in cost accounting: The Speedport Pro for unique 389,82 Euro. You can rent it also. The costs here: monthly 9,70 Euro. A purchase is worthwhile only after 40 months. Another advantage of the rent: Is the Router broken, replaced the Telekom it.

Telecom Hybrid

Three months free

the introduction of the new Hybrid LTE Option, there are attractive offers: If you book up to 30. September you get the Option of Hybrid LTE in the first three months at no extra charge. Broadband customers with a low-DSL-band widths of less than 16 megabits per second benefit, perhaps even permanently. In the Tariffs Magenta home XS and S, you get the Option at no extra charge.

The Router is the Telecom connection, even even. With just a few flicks of the joy of Surfing is increased. Hybrid-customers not only benefit from the higher speed, but also of increased connection security. In case of a fault in the fixed-network calls and surf just over the mobile network. This is also beneficial to clients whose new connection is not yet activated. With the Hybrid LTE Option, you can make phone calls and surf immediately. To do this, you can activate the Option directly in the order.

This article was written by Thorsten Neuhetzki

*The contribution of “300 Mbit/s instead of lame DSL: New free-to-Telekom-start Option” published by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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