User Michael judge is allowed:

it Is because close to the Baltic sea better?

Where is the difference? Why should it be on the beach in Germany secure? Then you should lock up the people and you the but say. What is the finger is always supposed to show abroad?!”

In reader Etienne Gerold is marred the holiday mood:

“Any way he likes …

In any tourist I would not travel castles now (which was never my thing). Somewhere not to fly right before the Corona has long been a nightmare, although I always like to’ve flown, but now also for hours with mask and without Service on the plane? And then restrictions on the spot … (with the mask to the Restaurant, etc … ). Holiday feeling in the current Situation, also not just. I’m in the house (the only one here – but since I would be without the Corona). But from me, from everyone do what he wants can be happy to – I’m not a scared person and we all live in is not eternal.”

Userin Gerdi Franke advises caution:

“It is only his own health the risk. You also run the risk of family members, Acquaintances and relatives. And there should then be a bit more critical!”

On holiday abroad readers Günther Sincerely:

not done away with, “I need abroad, in order to be satisfied. In Germany, there are so many beautiful areas to Relax and always something New to learn, that’s enough for almost a whole life.”

readers Jörg Meyer to consider:

“It will be more warned in front of the foreign countries as a pre-own, where the majority of the German domestic holiday. And if you change, for example. the promenades on the North or Baltic sea, sees, probably, far more people without a mask, as abroad, regardless of what one thinks of the Masquerade …”

User Franz Maier founded his travel waiver:

“I’m trying since the beginning of the crisis, to live a social responsibility. Because I have to for my Next worry, I don’t want to take unnecessary risks. I think you can waive a year on luxury and unlimited fun, without falling in depression or anger to anyone.”

RKI sounds the Alarm – this is already the second wave? The says the infection Loge FOCUS Online RKI sounds the Alarm – this is already the second wave? The infection Loge

Feh says