test, test, Test – this is after a somewhat reserved Start, the motto of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) for fast and accurate detection of infection events in Germany. To take account of the re-swelling holiday flows, will be able to also travel returnees within 72 hours of the test. Free of charge and on a voluntary Basis, if it goes to the Minister of health Spahn. Who comes from a designated risk area for the testing will be from Monday to even compulsory.

  • All the latest developments on the pandemic, you read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

But it’s not just holiday makers employed the Test-subject. Parents report repeated from nurseries that send children home, because they interpret a sniff of the nose as a possible Corona-Symptom and you only want to serve in the case of a negative test result. Children’s doctors think it is absurd. Tests without the need for additional signs to be absurd, explained about the Interview, Jacob’s mask from the professional Association of child and youth doctors (BVKJ) in FOCUS Online; the Test is Chaos in many so completely.

Who should be on Corona test?

the rules are regulated, when a Corona Test at the doctor is useful and necessary, by the RKI clear. Tested on Sars-CoV-2 the top German infection protection authority should be six groups of people:

  • Symptomatic persons , i.e., persons with any acute respiratory or Covid-19-typical symptoms such as cough or fever, including any medical suspicion substantiated case. Alone, a stuffy nose is not a compelling indication for a Corona Test.
  • All narrow, asymptomatic contact persons of confirmed Covid-19-cases ; it includes, for example, members of the same household, or persons identified on the Corona-Warning-App as the contact persons.
  • All of the residents and visitors of care facilities and patients during an outbreak : In facilities such as hospitals, inpatient care facilities, facilities for the disabled and other facilities for vulnerable groups, as well as in outpatient care is testing according to RKI extensive, in order to prevent outbreaks in the facilities, or to quickly curb. In the case of a confirmed Sars-CoV-2 infection in the inpatient facilities to all residents and patients should therefore, but also visitors to be tested. In addition, all patients and residents should be (Re-)inclusion in such a facility or an outpatient surgery tested. After the recording is further recommended to test these people at a certain distance again. In the case of capacity shortage of recordings in areas should be prioritised (Re-)using mainly vulnerable groups (e.g., geriatrics, Oncology, transplant wards).
  • employees from hospitals and inpatient and outpatient care facilities ; they are to be tested as contact persons according to the RKI has also been increased regularly. In the case of specific outbreaks in inpatient facilities, the entire staff should be subject to testing. In addition, regular tests are in the frame, for example from medical studies is possible. In addition, the entire staff can pay, in particular in areas with increased case, or in the care of particularly vulnerable groups on a regular basis, approximately every two weeks, to be tested.
  • All persons in community facilities during an outbreak : In the case of outbreaks in community facilities and accommodation facilities such as doctor’s offices, schools, day-care centres, Asylum centres, shelters, or correctional facilities should persons in the facilities of a testing to undergo, in order to further spread prevent.
  • travel returnees from the acute epidemic regions : Also, you should be up to date on the Coronavirus test. Starting next week, even the obligation to Test is to enter into force. Which countries include areas as an official risk, lists the RKI here. Leisure, the Minister of health Spahn Non-stressed from a high – risk area, as currently about Spain or Italy return could soon be able to also test outside of the airport, however, and in any case, as a compulsory smear, as. This could only be justified in countries with high infection of “good numbers” and “relatively”.

I Need to allow me to multiple testing?

For all the Tests, the following applies: the initial result is negative, may be followed by continuing the existing and justified suspicion of Disease, a second Test to confirm. In the case of returnees from high-risk areas, the two times that testing is to be according to the decision of the Standard.

Who pays for the Corona-testing?

The cost for the Tests in the above cases, since may, the statutory health insurance. Whether they pays you a lump sum for vacation returnees, is still unclear. A Test costs according to the Spahns Ministry of 59 Euro. At least the travellers from high-risk areas should not have to pay, in his opinion, for himself. It is important that the Test “is not a question of money,” he writes on Twitter, with a view to claims of state politicians, tourists even ask to checkout.

Where can I get at Corona test?

the point of contact for a Corona Test are usually the local health authorities, their own GP practice or the physician on-call service at the telephone number 116 117. You want to convey in the rule, an appointment for testing.

The test stations for holiday returnees are to be made directly to the airports established. In Nuremberg and Munich, there are already since the weekend, the appropriate provisional centres, on Wednesday, the first Corona also opens at the airport Tegel test site for returnees from high-risk areas.

More stations are also planned on the highways at the major border crossings, around to Austria and to several main railway stations. The plans are advanced in the different Federal States has varied widely.

  • More: At these airports can? holidaymakers already in test

How does the Corona Test

For the Test from the doctor to the patient, a sample from the respiratory tract – either a swab or excreted mucus. Laboratory physicians to prepare this sample at the lab and with a so-called PCR-Test to the genetic material of the Virus. A certain portion of the virus is also copied to the genome millions of times. The copies are marked with a so-called probe color. This colour coding can then be used with complex devices are made visible. The corresponding color signals are present, is a “positive sample”.

Under ideal conditions, such a Test takes in a specialized laboratory, three to five hours. Until the result is available to the treating physician, it usually takes a day. Bottlenecks in the Test Kits or an Overload of the laboratories, there is the RKI, according to no more. Meanwhile, a week more than a Million so-called PCR could be carried out Test. dpa

with the information of the dpa

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