While he was on the run from 2020, José Antonio Urrutikoetxea Bengoetxea, said Josu Ternera, had been arrested in France in may 2019. Incarcerated since then, the former chief of the basque separatist organisation ETA had been released under judicial supervision were re-arrested on his release from prison after the filing of an extradition request by Spain. Josu Ternera will this time really be able to get out. The court of appeal of Paris, on Wednesday ordered his release.

He will be under house arrest under electronic bracelet. Josu Ternera, aged 69 years, must be retried twice in France and made the subject of a european arrest warrant and of two extradition requests from the Spanish court. It should be released and assigned to residence in Paris from Thursday. The court of appeal had ordered the 1st of July a feasibility study on his release under electronic surveillance.

Read also ETA : a final act-like reporting

The european arrest warrant for his alleged participation in meetings not authorized in 2000. Discussed at the hearing on 1 July, the case was put under advisement as at 30 September. On the first extradition request, which focuses on the assassination of a frame of a Michelin Vittoria on June 25, 1980, the court of appeal had asked the 1st July for further information. The other request for extradition relates to his alleged involvement in a bombing of a barracks of the guardia civil in spain, which had killed 11 people in 1987 in Zaragoza (North). The court of appeal was approved in September 2019, but Mr Ternera cassation.

“A logical decision” for his lawyer

At a hearing Wednesday, at which appeared Josu Ternera, the president of the chambre de l’instruction of the Paris court of appeal has indicated that the report had ” concluded to the feasibility of placement under electronic bracelet “. It is ” feasible “, added the general counsel. “I welcome this decision as a sign of commitment to peace and justice that is rendered in dignity,” said to Me, Laure Heinich, lawyer, Josu Ternera.

Read also A prisoner of the ETA loses his trial against France

” It is a logical decision, respectful of the presumption of innocence “, also welcomed Me Laurent Pasquet-Marinacce, the other lawyer of Josu Ternera, pointing out that his client “is registered at the Sorbonne in 3rd year history” and that it will be ” hosted by a teacher from the École normale supérieure “.