The vote will be closer than on first reading. After intense debates, the national Assembly has again rejected the LDCS post-mortem, with the gametes of a deceased spouse, during the second reading of the bill on bioethics. Divisions have emerged within the majority at the time of the discussion and then the vote. In the first reading the upper room as the lower house had spoken against this measure.

Read also The covert battle of the LDCS

Banned in France but allowed in Belgium or in Spain, assisted reproduction, post-mortem is to achieve a PMA after the death of the spouse, in the form of insemination of sperm or implantation of an embryo conceived with the gametes of the couple, and then frozen before the death of the man. Some mps defended, moreover, the LDCS post-mortem limited to embryos already conceived in the wake of an opinion of the national advisory Board of ethics.


supporters of the LDCS post-mortem, including the co-rapporteur LREM Jean-Louis Touraine, were of the view that it was “paradoxical” to allow single women to resort to LDCS, as provided for in this bill, but not allow a woman to continue after the death of her spouse a “parental project” already committed.

also Read Phoebe Tomorrow, all babies in test tubes ?

Against this measure, the minister of Research Frédérique Vidal has stressed the “family pressures” that could be put on the widows, but also the problems in the area of filiation or succession. “We have heard a lot of parental project “, but ” the death of one member of the couple destroyed the project as it was imagined and thought about it “, she estimated.

“to Conceive a child orphan puts me ill at ease”

” to Conceive a child orphan puts me ill at ease “, has also urged the member LREM Anne-Laurence Petel. For his colleague Walker Jean-François Mbaye, it has, on the contrary, “no sense” not to allow the LDCS post-mortem if we allow the LDCS to women alone.

Read also The real costs of the LDCS in France

” women don’t need us to decide in their place. Why do we feel compelled us to interfere in the privacy of these women ? ” he started. The child is “not a palliative” to the death of his spouse, but ” let’s leave the choice to the women “, has also pleaded Emily Chalas (LREM). “We are opposed to the LDCS post-mortem. A widow and a single woman, this is not the same thing “, said for his part the LR Annie Genevard.

writing will advise you

Michel Richard – LDCS for all : a case quickly and badly shipped Law of bioethics : these points, which could disrupt our society