The exports of Brandenburg to Russia have achieved in the past year, with a value of around EUR 262 million. The were about 31 million Euro more than in the previous year, as the Ministry of Economics in Potsdam, announced to preliminary data of the Federal Statistical office, according to a request from the AfD parliamentary group. The imports decreased in the year-on-year by about EUR 122 million to 3.8 billion. Almost 98 percent of the imports were crude oil and natural gas supplies.
had reached The peak of exports, with 415 million euros in 2011. They went back according to the figures up to 2016 to 187 million euros. Similarly, the remuneration of märkischer company from Russia developed. They had reached in 2012, with 7.3 billion euros in its climax and went back to 2016 by more than half to just under three billion euros.
After the low point in the trade relations of 2016 from a signed, until today, continued growth of exports Brandenburger. By 2018, Russia was able to increase deliveries again in about five billion euros. In the previous year, but declined, according to the Ministry of economy again – to 3.8 billion euros.
In a survey conducted by the chamber of Commerce and industry of Cottbus to the beginning of the year had been 60 per cent of the business in Russia, companies active in their trade relations. Approximately 70 percent of the companies had urged, among other things, more support in the search for new business partners.
Brandenburg’s Minister of Economics Jörg Steinbach (SPD) had prohibited the company at a meeting of the chamber in February, more aid to the country in the internationalization of their trade relations. Among the most important tasks targeted support as well as information about opportunities and funding possibilities of the foreign trade relations. In addition, Steinbach has announced new incentives for companies to venture to the international stage, for example, by an increase in the funding rate for Start-ups and at the time of initial participation in the fair.
The whole of the exports of Brandenburg were, in the past year, according to preliminary information 13.3 billion euros and 378 million euros more than in 2018. The imports decreased in the same period to 980 million euros to 18.6 billion euros.