Jean-Marc Morandini will, therefore, be tried for ” corruption of a minor “. It has been referred to the correctional court of Paris, has it learned Friday, several sources, confirming information Parisien. Four years after the opening of an investigation, the investigating judge ordered Thursday that the host of CNews and NRJ12 to be tried for corruption of a minor over 15 years of age and corruption of a minor by a person in contact with the victim through an electronic communications network, in accordance with the requisitions of the parquet, said a justice source.

Jean-Marc Morandini, now aged 54, had been indicted in 2016 after two young men, minors at the time of the facts they report, submitted to the court. “This is a decision in line with the way in which this case has been dealt with since the preliminary investigation, that is to say, exclusively in charge. We are more in the moral than in the right, ” responded to the Agency France-Presse the lawyer of Jean-Marc Morandini, Me Corinne Dreyfus-Schmidt.

exchanges SMS in 2013

she pointed to have appealed from the order for reference before the correctional court and of the rejection of his last requests to act. It claimed, inter alia, that the entirety of the messages exchanged by the facilitator to be exploited in the folder, not just a selection. In the first complaint, a young man claimed that Jean-Marc Morandini had made sexual solicitation in exchange SMS between February and march 2013.

The second complainant, who has since abandoned, had, on his side, said they were contacted in July 2009 by the production company of Jean-Marc Morandini via a casting website for a project of a remake of the film Ken Park by the american director Larry Clark, which was about the life of teens in the United States between boredom, sex, and violence. He explained that he was invited, alone, to the address of the host where the latter would invite him to undress and to reproduce a scene of masturbation, according to le Parisien.

In another case, Jean-Marc Morandini has been accused of “sexual harassment” and “illegal labour” by several actors in 2016, in the context of an article in the magazine Les Inrocks on the castings bare. These actors argue that the moderator and his company Don’t Pass ! Production benefited from the castings of a web-series, the erotic, The Hawks, to push them to show off bare while being filmed or filming. Seized of this complaint, the prosecutor’s office in Paris had dismissed its inquiry in January 2017. But the plaintiffs have obtained in 2018 the resumption of investigations by an investigating judge in paris.

writing will advise you

“Morandini Live” : the reentry missed Jean-Marc Morandini on CNews