When can I get Rayquaza out?

Rayquaza will be find for a week in Level 5 Raids to. In Germany Rayquaza published Friday, October 31. July, , and remains, up to and including Friday, 7. August. Directly to the Start, you can’t find it, however, because if the Rayquaza is being activated, it is already too late for Raids. But as of Saturday morning, there you go then. We show you the best Rayquaza counter.

Rayquaza is a useful pokemon?

Rayquaza has the types of flight and dragon, and can be equipped in two types, with Instantly – and charging attacks. Especially with the dragon attacks, it is one of the most powerful Pokémon in the Pokémon Go, and it is also one of the best dragon attackers in the game. The Chance to get a Shiny in about 19:1. Who has no dazzling Form of the legendary Pokémon, can slay two birds with one stone.

Rayquaza counter: what are the pokemon I’m fighting against Rayquaza?

The best Rayquaza counter are equipped with strong ice attacks. Thus, the best counter to Rayquaza Mamutel with the attacks powder snow, and Lavine is. As an Alternative Snibunna with Eisattacken and Glaziola offer. A tip also, mewtwo in his Crypto-Verison and the charge attack ice blasting is. All to lock with your attacks we have listed for you here:

With three players, the good Rayquaza counter from this list have, could Rayquaza be to defeat. With 5 players, it is definitely on the safe side. A 100 Rayquaza has the WP-value 2,191 thousand, in weather 2.739 WP boost. The closer the value is of your Rayquaza to one of these values, the stronger your pokemon is.

Legendary in the week clock

The whole of August, a new RAID boss to part with the Shiny Chance is waiting for us every week. First of all, Rayquaza is there. With the new remote RAID function, you can get your Rayquaza counter-even from home use. How to do this, we show you in our remote RAID guide.

  • 31.July to 7. August – Rayquaza
  • 8. to 14. August – Deoxys
  • 15. to 21. August – Genesect

After Rayquaza has already been published in its Shiny Form, there is in the coming weeks, Deoxys and Genesect as dazzling Pokémon.

This article was written by Michael Büttner

*The contribution of “Rayquaza counter: So you defeat the dragon-type Pokémon” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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