The rules to which Apple refers to, has been around for several years. The group calls for commissions on digital Online offerings, which are sold through the App Store. The revenue share is 30 percent.

Extended offer on Airbnb for

The Problem is the result of a range extension on Airbnb in the digital area, The company offers not only accommodations, but also more far-reaching offerings, such as events, city tours or courses. The Corona onset, there are many of these offers now in virtual Form.

This expansion of the digital offer could be Airbnb fatal, because Apple usually requires a 30 percent revenue share for digital services, which are offered via the Apple Store. For physical Goods and services this rule does not apply.

The App could be banned from the App Store

In a report in the New York Times confirmed Apple is that regulations already exist for ten years. Airbnb could now, due to the extended offer to be fair. If the company is not ready to Apple’s rules and regulations might follow a reference from the App Store.

conflict with the antitrust law

Also, due to Apple’s terms and conditions in the App Store were launched in the United States antitrust investigations. Not only Apple but also Facebook, Amazon and Google are affected. The allegation against the Tech giants: unfair competitive advantage. Also, the commissions, the Apple of App providers such as Airbnb asks for discussion.

you can read here: hearing before the U.S. Congress, Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook: the four Tech giants too much?