A month after having released its first list of fourteen countries whose nationals were allowed to travel in the EU, the Council, the authority that groups together 27, withdrew Thursday, July 30, Algeria as a result of renewed contamination of Covid-19. This list is now reduced to twelve countries, as well as China, subject to conditions. This is the second time that it has been updated since its creation.

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Restrictions for Algeria

caught between the imperatives of health and the desire to restart an economy hit by the crisis by promoting the tourism, the EU has agreed to allow new travellers from third countries from 1 July, but ” partial and gradual “.

The development of the list was an arduous task, because of its economic implications and diplomatic. Some member States put into question the reliability of the data provided by third countries, such as China.

It is based “in particular” on epidemiological criteria and is subject to review every 15 days. It specifies the countries for which the restrictions at the external borders of the EU ” should gradually be lifted,”.

The issue is important in this period of summer holidays. The adopted recommendation is not binding : each member State remains responsible for the passengers as it leaves to enter on its territory. The EU is trying, however, to coordinate and maintain the freedom of movement within the Schengen area.

diplomatic sources had indicated as early as Wednesday to Agence France-Presse that the Council was considering to withdraw Algeria from the list due to a recrudescence of contamination of Covid-19. Since the registration of the first case on the 25th of February, 1 174 deaths have been reported in Algeria, according to figures from Tuesday. On the 24th of July, the country registered a record daily of infections (675) on its soil.

No constraints

The Europeans are favoring the visitors come from countries in which the epidemiological situation is similar to that of the EU, where the pandemic has ebbed, or even better. The rate of new cases of Covid-19 shall not exceed 16 per 100 000 inhabitants (average in the EU) on the last 14 days.

Other criteria, a tendency to stability or decrease of new cases, as well as the measures put in place by the third country to fight the pandemic, including the practice tests.

According to diplomatic sources, Morocco has been maintained in the list, but the country is still under surveillance in case of aggravation of the health situation.

The remaining countries on the list are : Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, and China, with a condition of reciprocity. The withdrawal of Algeria follows those of Serbia and Montenegro. The presence of China on the list remains a condition of reciprocity. And the United States, Russia, Brazil and India remain excluded.

despite having left the EU, the Uk is considered a country member until the end of the transition period on December 31.

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Coronavirus : the european Union reopens its borders, WHO is pessimistic