A call to the front foot of real action ? On the plateau of CNews, Cedric O questioned the role of digital technology in the daily lives of the French and its consequences on the pollution, is Numerama. The secretary of State, whose portfolio is now being extended to the Transition to digital and electronic Communications, believes that” there is a question on the pollution by the digital rule “.

to Reduce the pollution in the digital is also part of the 149 proposals by Emmanuel Macron in the framework of the ‘Convention’ for the climate. Cedric O has indicated that he will unveil in September, “a government strategy to reduce the ecological footprint of digital technology” to the sides of the new minister of the ecological Transition Barbara Pompilli.

“This first pass through of education and training”

The secretary of State has not given details on the content of the future strategy, nor on the means that could be implemented to reduce the ecological footprint of the digital. Any taxes already appear to be excluded. “I don’t think everything is resolved by taxes,” he says. According to him, a change in the behaviour of current users and future users is necessary. “This starts with education and training. We learned to turn the light off, to close the valve, it is also necessary that we learn, as a consumer, to avoid watching videos a little compulsive, “says Cedric O.

Read also Digital : a few gestures in everyday life to pollute less

He wondered if” we need to look at as many videos, is it that we need to send as many e-mails “. In the “pollution” digital, they can include the data centres that consume a lot of electricity, but also the energy used for the manufacture of various technologies. According to a study by the Agency of the ecological transition, 4 % of greenhouse gas emissions come from digital. They could double by 2025.

writing will advise you

” The public policies must encourage sobriety digital “