Due to the Corona-crisis, and out of respect for Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) can imagine CSU leader Markus Söder, the nomination of the Union’s Chancellor candidate in March 2021. “Corona moves all, and leads to the fact that we also need to rethink all of the time axes,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister on Sunday in the ARD-“summer interview”. First of all, the CDU needed to clarify their internal question of the new party Chairman, then it would be good if the Union take time to consider what was the best lineup.

ARD-“summer interview” with Markus Söder in the Live Stream, see how to:

emits The First of the summer from an interview with Markus Söder on Sunday, at 18.05 .

  • “summer interview” with Söder: Live-Stream ARD-Mediathek “of the ARD summer interview” with Waipu (display) to view

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not backing up Added to this is also out of respect for Merkel, “that we will place a half or three-quarters of a year before a next government,” said Söder. The Union should “allow as long as possible”, “to go, so to speak, from a cast in a successful election campaign”.

Similarly, had expressed Söder previously in the “Bild am Sonntag”: “We will consider according to the CDU party conference a date for the determination of the Chancellor candidates. This may not necessarily be the January, which can also take place in March 2021.” A long campaign in addition to an active Chancellor had little sense.”

Söder remains: His place in Bayern

at the beginning of June Söder had explained, the question of who will run as a candidate for Chancellor of the Union, will probably be decided in January after the election of the new CDU-heads. The Federal election is expected to take place in the fall of 2021. The CDU comes together in early December at a Congress in Stuttgart to choose a new party Chairman. The CSU will meet a week later in Nuremberg.

the CDU chairmanship – and so, indirectly, the Chancellor candidacy – apply for North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister, Armin Laschet, the economy, politician, Friedrich Merz, and the foreign politician Norbert Röttgen. On the question of the candidacy for Chancellor of the Union, all three are behind in the polls but far behind Söder. The insured, in turn, steadily, he is in Bavaria. “This is not just a sentence that you simply say therefore,” said Söder in the ARD.

Söder warns that the Union’s election victory to be regarded as the safe

of Course, it is a pleasure for him that you trust him, according to the surveys, other tasks, reiterated Söder in the “Bild am Sonntag”. “But at the same time want me to keep Bavaria as a Prime Minister.” This is very important to him. “The CDU has the right to propose the candidate for Chancellor, and the Chancellor was always a party. There are good reasons why the CSU has never disputed the Chancellor.” He was going to help with full force, that Germany is good “but my job is in Bavaria”.

Söder also warned the Union against the election victory given the current polls already as to securely view: “Everyone who believes, to surf with these survey values to the Chancellery, of the need to consider exactly how it goes.” The current high values of the Union are rather due to the crisis management of the Chancellor and that it was not sure to stay that way. The CSU will do anything for the Union in the election campaign draws.

The issue of refugees complains Merz three Times about the “shame of Europe”, FOCUS Online/Wochit At the issue of refugees complains Merz three Times about the “shame of Europe”
