Judgment of the visits within the fields, fall in sales to individuals as well as professionals, the number of wine growers and producers have suffered and are struggling to recover from the consequences of the health crisis. But affected and not really cast, many are those who, in the aftermath of the pandemic, have changed their practices by offering virtual, in order to complement the traditional tours and tastings.

A digitization of the practices necessary for the survival of many producers, trading online, have maintained the link with the public through meetings digital short and entertaining, like e-visits cognacs Bourgoin.

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not so fond of the Internet before the crisis, women and men of the sector of the wine and other spirits are occupying more and more of the canvas, the image of what is happening on the other side of the Atlantic – as a precursor to the Napa Valley and Sonoma – where the digitization has done its work. Despite a virus that is weakening – but that is always very present – and therefore allows lovers of wine tourism to physically move, the producers keep everything the been of e-visits and tastings digital custom and scripted, model of the world wine ” after “.

Cognacs Bourgoin : tasting, virtual wine tourism 2.0

This is notably the case of cognacs Bourgoin, a domain located in Tarnac, in the commune of Saint-Saturnin, Charente (16). Frédéric Bourgoin think of wine tourism on post-Covid in ” transforming the threat of social distancing in the opportunity.” Inventor of the ” e-visits œnotouristiques “, it offers to lovers of spirits from around the world an interactive tour and video of his domain, via the famous app-Zoom, on which to place the appetizers on virtual. More than a simple turn of the owner, it is a real live embedded “in situ” and orchestrated by a member of the family Bourgoin who will discover the charentais farm family, the distillery and the cellars of ageing. “Kind of a particular course “, plays Frédéric Bourgoin, which also ensures that the concept ” has received a very warm welcome from the lovers of cognac or no, with many bookings from abroad “. The experience is coupled with a tasting of cognacs – also cloud –, of miniatures being sent to the home of the e-œnotouriste upstream of its tour 2.0.

Frédéric Bourgoin © life-charentais

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A great initiative at a time when the pandemic has undermined the sector, which uses too little of the practical digital possible. A reflection is clearly required for the wine tourism of tomorrow. A vision shared by the producer of Tarnac : “We put it in place without thinking too much about it, but the supply creating the demand that has responded to this, why not expand this type of wine tourism in the future ? This crisis has shown us that it today lacks a true platform that centralizes such offers digital wine “, he concludes.

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Finally, these visits to a new kind are bookable on the website (or mobile application) ruedesvignerons.com. A French start-up that proposes to simplify the discovery of French vineyards for lovers of wine tourism in selecting the vineyard of their choice – among a hundred areas – according to their tastes and desires : tasting, simple, tour, meals at the château, family properties or part of the exception.

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Spirits – calvados victim containment, The bottle of whisky tomorrow is… paper