to go

looking for a job, in times of Covid-19 and the economic impact is certainly a challenge, nevertheless, you should not be discouraged. The cancellation is still fresh, you probably have some work days ahead. Use the time to finish with style to lie to Pass their projects so that other can pick up the thread good and stay with her superiors and colleagues friendly and professional. The positive impression you leave, could lead to the colleagues, provide you with contacts, which lead to a new Job. Or your boss is happy, if he can discuss after the Corona-spook, re-setting with them.

The most important first step after the termination of the contact to the employment Agency. Actually, you will need to register no later than three months prior to unemployment as a job seeker. In case of a sudden job loss, it may be that this period has already expired. In this case, you must register not later than three days after receipt of the notice of termination. About the expert

Emine Yilmaz Helped is when Robert is responsible for the development of the area of recruitment. Since 2015 in different positions of responsibility at Robert Half and has many years of experience in personnel services.

mix The cards new

It is always pleasant to make the decision about Going or Staying in a Job itself. But if this decision has now been removed, you should use this for an inventory. Now is the best opportunity for small adjustments or large breaks to initiate. Think for example about these questions:

  • What is your career ambition and what are you missing to achieve them?
  • you Want to continue to be employed in a company or can you imagine a self-employed?
  • What is it you in your next Job the most: the money, the development or meaningful tasks?
  • How is your Work-Life Balance, you want to work less hours?
  • you’ll be on your desired place, or is it time for a move – maybe even abroad?
  • Is your career also your vocation or you want to find a new direction?

you don’t have to answer all the questions at once and not alone. You can, on the one hand, by professional Coaches support, but also a balance with friends and business contacts to make: How do they view their Strengths and talents, where do you see you and how you can round out your profile with this assessment?

Take the time you need, and try not to enjoy it, by just take care of your future career. You may also use the opportunity to engage in volunteer work in a field that is long on heart. So, you have a task that leaves a good feeling behind, and learn something New, the power may also be in the resume well.

job-hunting in times of crisis

In difficult economic times, a new Job, is a particular challenge, but not impossible. Even if the number of matching ads is low, so you can still do a lot to your job search forward. A job loss in times of crisis is not a flaw. Please be aware that it is not a lack of qualifications or skills behind it.

another advantage may be that others are actually willing to change workers, is currently safe and their intentions to return. As a result, the competition for qualified applicants to open positions small.

There are plenty of reasons not to bury your head in the Sand. To drive forward your job search. You create documents that stand out from the mass of applications out, and familiarize yourself with the new, largely non-contact methods for application processes familiar with the COVID-19-pandemic catchment in the everyday work. Financial expert explains How you are already declared, with little money in the stock market successfully FOCUS Online the financial expert: How you are with little money in the stock market successfully