The Republicans turn in the middle of the election campaign against their own presidential candidate. The trade war between the US and China coming to a head more and more. The location for Donald Trump? Difficult. In terms of the election campaign, the App TikTok for headlines, which users took the trump’s election campaign in the short hand on the shovel and the US President in front of empty stands, his speech had already caused a few weeks ago – just because they bought in the run-up to countless Tickets.

Now, the App is fast in connection with Trump again in the center of interest. Because according to Huawei, ZTE and co. it is now TikTok, the device in the trade conflict between the United States and China. Behind the Millions of used App the Chinese firm byte dance, to give more, according to Trump’s data to the Chinese government. The result: Trump wants to ban TikTok in America – as much as he says, the US Power-the President. The case developed surprisingly fast: Microsoft has confirmed the interest in Acquisition now for the first time – and TikTok is ready for the conciliation talks. However, after the row.

TikTok-ban: byte dance willing to talk

on the part of the byte dance Trumps threat to ban TikTok has provided, apparently for uncertainty. Because, as the Handelsblatt reports, the Chinese company is willing to talk, to apparently prevent something worse. As is reported, stand byte dance under enormous pressure, the business in the United States to make and sell. By selling TikTok could remain in the US – if Trump makes good on his threat. In the United States 100 million people are using according to his own statement TikTok – including especially young people. It is regarded as the currently emerging Social Media platform.

Microsoft announced officially for the first time of interest

the sale of The US business of TikTok will not go to anyone, but none other than Microsoft. The group is well-known for some time as a potential prospect. The rumors Microsoft is not commenting on, but – until now. On Sunday Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO confirmed that it had already been in talks with byte dance. Due to the prohibition of threat on the part of Trump, the talks had been interrupted but last weekend, for the time being. As it is, if you wanted to await the action of the President. According to the German newspaper Handelsblatt this could indicate that an agreement of all the parties is within the scope of the Possible.

Microsoft announced that they wanted to not US, only the business, but also of Canada, Australia and new Zealand buy. You should also be open to other investors, participating as a minority in the Takeover. The Acquisition advance, but a security audit, which sets out clearly the connection between byte dance and the Chinese government, on the other hand, but also the Benefits of the Takeover for the US economy.

Trump has given a byte dance, a time limit of 45 days to sell TikTok to Microsoft. Up to the 15. September will fall a decision.

This article was written by Simone Warnke

*The contribution of “Tiktok vs. Trump: So, the prohibition could be evaded” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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