A glass of wine in the evening was touted popularly long, not only as a “not harmful”, but even as a life-prolonging effect.

What may, however, apply to the heart, it has elsewhere in the body a contrasting effect.

Because in the meantime, the science knows that a gram of alcohol per day is sufficient to let the brain noticeably aging.

alcohol hits the hung health

In one of the largest studies that have ever been on the connection between brain aging and Alkoholkunsum made, prior to established researchers of the University of Southern California, USA, brain scans of 17.308 people of the UK Biobank.

had earlier in various animal experiments laid the suspicion that alcohol could affect the aging process of the brain unfavorable.

on the Basis of the Abundance of available brain image data, the American researchers were able to confirm this assumption at the beginning of the year.

to drink, Regardless of age and gender of the brain could be changes in all of the subjects found the information on a regular basis, if only in moderation.

“The difference of 0.4 years was statistically significant. We assume (therefore) that daily or almost daily consumption of alcohol is harmful for the brain,” Dr. Arthur W. Toga, lead author of the study, compared to the news page ‘Inverse’ knowledge.

cigarettes allow the brain aging

Also, the Smoking of cigarettes were examined in the study, their effects on brain aging were even more solid out.

For comparison: One gram of alcohol a day keeps the brain already by 0.02 years of aging the equivalent of a year a week. Those who smoked a year-long, daily, left his brain already by 0.03 years of aging, and thus about 11 days.

However, the researchers came from a pack of cigarettes per day. Who consumed daily more than a beer or glass of wine á 14 g of alcohol, you can beat this value, however, by alcohol quickly.

at Least in terms of the brain, the daily Toast must be recorded on the health so as to be counterproductive.


  • Nature: “the Association of relative brain age with tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and genetic variants”, retrieved on 04.08.2020: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-56089-4
  • Inverse: “Alcohol and the brain: Scientists quantify how much a gram ages the mind”, retrieved on 04.08.2020: https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/alcohol-and-the-brain-how-much-booze-ages-the-mind

Larissa bright mouth

*The contribution of “Even at a low quantity So the brain is aging, if you drink alcohol regularly” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
