According to the police, it was already on the 2. May , against 02.55 PM, in Quierschieder the District of Fischbach-Camphausen to dangerous assault come. A previously Unknown have beaten a 17-Year-old with a wrench against the back of the head.

the attack the victim of a swelling on the back of the head and laceration on the left temple , police said. The 17-Year-old had described the perpetrators as follows:

  • around the mid-20
  • approximately 170 cm tall
  • short black hair
  • corpulent
  • foreign appearance (Turkish/Kurdish)
  • speaks English

According to information provided by the Claimant the Unknown at the time in the company of three men and a woman had been. In the meantime, a phantom the Wanted is.

notes to the police inspection Sulzbach, Tel. (06897)9330.

sources Used: – notification of the police inspection, Sulzbach, 05.08.2020 kayaking-driver fails with paddle against Ast’s full of bugs – he would have better FOCUS Online kayak left-driver fails with paddle against Ast’s full of bugs – he would have been better left

*The contribution of “screwdriver attack on a 17-Year-old: Saarland police are looking for this Person” is published by SOL.DE. Contact with the executives here.